Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Panem Without the Circenses: Food Stamps

Panem Without the Cicenses: Food Stamps

Before the collapse of the Roman Republic, politicians were no less devious than contemporary pols.

One way or another, they tried to buy plebeian votes, to ply the rabble with goodies in hopes of winning their approval come election time. The tactic came to be known as providing panem et circenses or bread and circuses. Our politicians call it food stamps.

There is no doubt many Americans are hurting in President Barack Hussein Obama’s dismal economy with a continuing high rate of unemployment unrelieved by multi-billion dollar federal stimulations and a climbing poverty rate. Reflecting that failure, the Census Bureau reported in September that the number of people in the United States living below the official poverty line rose in 2010 by 2.6 million bringing the grand total of America’s poor to 46.2 million, the highest number in 52 years.

Way to go, Barack!

There is also no doubt that most of those poor would be considered rich by half the world and that some Americans take advantage of the system. Anyone standing in line to buy staples at the local A&P behind someone purchasing lobsters with a food stamp card can attest to that abuse.

Haphazardly throwing more and more money at a problem has never changed anything but the Obamians have no clue what else to do. They could just get out of the way of the chained giant that is the American capitalistic industrial base, lift restrictions and regulations and let it roar but that option is a non-starter with socialists.

However, there are those pesky things called elections so how do they make the discontented more content?

Why, bribe them, of course! . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=9840.)

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