Friday, December 2, 2011

The Decline and Fall of Barack Hussein Obama

The Decline and Fall of Barack Hussein Obama

At the risk of wishful thinking and of putting the kibosh on the wish by articulating it, signs are everywhere that President Barack Hussein Obama is on the way out.

Putting aside the facts that an obscure two-year United States senator whose administrative experience was nil, whose chief claim to fame was serving as a political hack organizing communities in Chicago, whose past was filled with unsavory associations, and no reasonable person considered him qualified to hold the most powerful position on the planet in the first place, the handwriting has been all over the White House walls indicating that come January, 2013 Obama will be viewing those walls from the outside.

In anticipation of his departure and to save face, the president expressed his feelings on joining the unemployment rolls he has done nothing to reduce and which his policies have virtually chiseled in stone, Obama has said he may very well be a one-termer.

From his mouth to God’s and Allah’s ears.

In view of Obama’s actions and inactions from the beginning of his presidency and most recently, all signs point to both his realization he had no rational expectation to have won the office in 2008 and that, since he did win, he and his family would milk it for all it was worth and that he would try to inflict as much of his leftist-socialist ideology on the nation in four years as he possibly could.

In the true beginning there was the Word. In Obama’s beginning, there was subterfuge and the only transparency has been an obvious inclination to drain every last ounce of advantage, every extravagant vacation, every party and golf outing, every campaign tour he could at taxpayer expense.

He preached transparency, and there was none. He promised to be different and he was diiferent but worse. He committed to change, and the changes he has accomplished are changes only the most devout leftists believe have been beneficial.

Obama and his Democrat Congress foisted on the American people the most unpopular health legislation in history, Obamacare, passed with no regard for the consequences to the well-being of the vast majority, as if those consequences didn’t matter, and they didn’t. listed many of the ugly truths about this president that didn’t seem to matter to his worshipful mainstream media, truths and revelations which would have ended most candidates’ presumptions to lead the Free World.

Some would have ruled him out to govern Uzbekistan based on his bizarre appointments of tax cheats, left wing extremists, avowed Marxists, homosexual activists, and inept former convicts, based on his foreign policies that embittered allies, based on domestic policies that included failure to defend our borders, based on a background more suitable for a committed subversive than for a president.

Still, what this president and his administration have done lately even more strongly reinforce the view that Obama is resigned to surrendering not only the perks of his office but his ability to utilize that office to satisfy his handlers’ demands for change they believe in and desperately crave. (Read more at

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