Thursday, December 1, 2011

Another Holocaust, a Worse Holocaust

Another Holocaust, a Worse Holocaust

I recently watched, for the second time, Steven Spielberg’s “Schindler’s List,” the movie Jerry Seinfeld largely missed because he was, umm, busy with his date in the balcony, at least on his television show.

Though not a Jew like Seinfeld, I was moved again by the unspeakable horrors depicted in “Schindler,” merciless murders by the Nazis of innocent people whose only crime was being Jewish, genocidal acts which were dwarfed by Mao Ze-Dong and Jozef Stalin but which were no less horrible.

The slaughter of six million Jews by Hitler, Himmler, and their accomplices should never be forgotten by anyone, no matter their religion. It was a crime committed not only against Jews but against humanity and all humanity was diminished by both its commission and the refusal of civilized nations to acknowledge it until it was too late.

However, despite the enormity of the Jewish Holocaust, it was far from the worst example of genocide. With over 50,000,000 victims to date and counting, abortion has to be considered the worst, even if it is now legal and socially acceptable.

Pro-life activist and founder of Operation Rescue, Randall Terry, has pointed out distinctions between Hitler’s victims and victims of abortion. A Democrat Party candidate for president in 2012, Terry rightly perceives anti-Semitism as a plague on the Earth and outlined the differences between the Jewish Holocaust and the abortion holocaust.

Citing ”the chasm of disparity between the motivation to hate any people group vs. the deliberate murder of our own flesh and blood,” Terry concludes ”that these two holocausts are not only different, but that the slaughter of unborn babies is a far worse crime against God and man.”

Unlike what is happening to millions of innocents today, Randall argues that the people Hitler slaughtered in his maniacal quest for racial purification had some defenses, however limited they were. . .

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