Thursday, January 8, 2009



President-elect Barack Hussein “We-Only-Have-One-President-at-a-Time” Obama sure is sending mixed signals. On the one hand he stands virtually mute on foreign policy issues, on the other he speaks out quite a bit and in contradictions about the economy.

Methinks he wants to keep both hands clean.

With the blessings of a mass media blinded by his light during the primary and general election campaigns, he skated through the muck and mire of Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn and Tony Rezko and emerged untarnished, at least in the eyes of a majority of the electorate.

Thanks to that same worshipful media, he escaped ridicule, and national publicity, for his countless gaffes, which were so numerous that Michelle Malkin called him “a perpetual gaffe machine.” My favorites are his claim of campaigning in all 57 states, his reference to Iran as a tiny, harmless country, and his baldfaced lies, or gaffes, in his autobiography, Dreams of My Father.

Nevertheless, he was elected, so it’s understandable that the poor guy started to believe his own press and overrated teflon-coated charm until reality finally hit home. He has to realize by now that a president can’t fool all the people all the time, even with a complicit media concealing his flaws and doublespeak.

It’s bad enough that his administration has had so many problems even before it becomes an administration. Mr. Clean’s troubles had just started with Illinois Governor Blagojevitch trying to sell his senate seat to the highest bidder when it turned out that his Chief-of-Staff-to-be, Rahm Emanuel, had numerous chats with Blago, unbeknownst to his boss-to-be, Obama. That’s not much of a testimonial to having a firm grip on his people.

George W. Bush would have been hooted off the stage for his incompetence had a major player in his administration been negotiating, or doing whatever Rahm was doing, with someone such as Blago–and behind his back, if that truly were the case. We will probably never learn the substance of their many chats.

Then came the withdrawal as Commerce Secretary-designate of the much lauded, Bill Richardson...

(Read the rest of this article at

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