Thursday, June 26, 2008


June 26th, 2008

As far as I can recall, no one ever said that war is fun. As far as I can recall, no one ever said that prisons should be fun places, either. Still, the Muslim prisoners being kept in Guantanamo have it pretty damned good especially considering why they are there–as terrorist suspects who not only despise America but who may have killed Americans and who, given the chance, would kill as many of our troops in Iraq as they could and perpetrate even more heinous atrocities on our soil.

We could house them and treat them in a Club Med atmosphere, accord them all the rights and privileges accorded our domestic prisoners, including law libraries, gym facilities, conjugal visits (i.e., sexual romps), etc. and then release them so they could continue their terrorist ways.
Instead, we merely provide, “basic supplies, such as clothing, towels, sheets, blankets, soap, shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste.They also are given a copy of the Koran and three ‘culturally appropriate’ meals. Prayer rugs also are distributed, and a recorded call to prayer is broadcast five times a day.”

Nevertheless, Muslim convert and former Army chaplain, James Lee, and Amnesty International USA, (AIUSA), are currently protesting the horrendous treatment of the terrorist suspects at GITMO. (

I wonder if Lee and AIUSA officials witnessed the horrendous events of September 11th, 2001 or if they would care if we suffered another such attack?

War is Hell. Keep that in mind, AIUSA and Mr. Lee!


June 25th, 2008

No matter what else one may think of Ralph Nader–that he’s a spoiler, a great voice for consumers or a horse’s ass–most people would have to admit he’s honest.
Today, Ralphie took honesty to a whole new level when he said that Senator Obama “wants to appeal to white guilt. You appeal to white guilt not by coming on as black is beautiful, black is powerful. Basically he’s coming on as someone who is not going to threaten the white power structure, whether it’s corporate or whether it’s simply oligarchic. And they love it. Whites just eat it up.” (Of course, I’ve said pretty much the same thing in my various blogs on Obama; see, especially, OBAMA XXIII ON HTTP://

There was little response from the Obama camp other than campaign spokeswoman’s Shannon Gilson’s comment that, ”We are obviously disappointed with these very backward-looking remarks.”
Nader plans to visit Denver in August to make his case for “an alternative agenda” to the DNC at the Dem convention which makes it even more promising that Denver will be hosting a circus more than a convention. It should make the 1968 debacle look civilized!
You go, Ralphie!
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Sunday, June 22, 2008



June 21st, 2008

I previously posted a sad tale of our times, namely the recent craze among female teenies–and tweenies–of taking the virtue of sharing to what would have been termed a sick extreme just a few years ago. It seems some girls are sharing pictures of their naked bodies with their boyfriends and significant others via their cell phones. In turn, the boys, being boys, have been sharing the pictures with their buddies and with the universe via YouTube and other internet venues. (

A fellow old fart once told me that he regretted having been born 50 years too soon since he missed out on this New Age of, let’s say, teen abandon, but I wonder if our younguns are really enjoying their new freedoms or whether cell phone stipteases are more an expression of their empty lives.

What brought that thought to mind was that cell phone relationship innovation which was reinforced by this week’s trip down Debauchery Lane, the discovery that at least some high school kids have taken a great leap forward by a pact to get impregnated en masse. ( Yet another sign that America is slipping down history’s toilet?

Gloucester, Massachusetts teenies have now given that potty another big flush.

Picturesque Gloucester, “America’s Oldest Seaport,” should now also be labeled “Home of America’s Dumbest Teens.” Whatever their motivation, fast tracking to adulthood, looking for love and attention in all the wrong places, or just plain, old bubbling hormones, at least seventeen of Gloucester High School’s 1200 students—mostly sophomores—have intentionally gotten themselves with child. (

In days of old, that was crudely labeled getting knocked up but these kids don’t see it that way at all. In the very bad old days, teens who had gotten pregnant were packed off to another locale—to a distant relative or a home for unwed mothers—and, if they returned at all, their young motherhood wasn’t advertised. These Gloucester girls not only planned their pregnancies so they could raise their babies together but were disappointed if they weren’t impregnated and, no doubt, will try, try, try again. Those who did succeed were high-fiving one another in the halls of Gloucester High.I served in the trenches of high school as a teacher for 28 years, so I know something of how these girls think, or used to know. Most are good kids, romantics to the core, infatuated with 13 year old Juliet’s affair with Romeo, somewhat distraught over their unfortunate denouement, who then went on their merry way, content with just being teenagers. I’m also familiar with their teen angst ...

(For the rest of this article, please see my webiste,
OBAMA XLVJune 22nd, 2008

Ok, we’ve been told Obama is the new JFK, brainy, handsome, eloquent, etc. etc. etc.

Well, I don’t know about any of that, especially about his eloquence when he doesn’t have his script. Take a listen to a few examples of when the guy has to wing it sans prepared text: YouTube - Barack Obama - Blithering Idiot - Bristol, VA 6/5/08

If Bush stumbled and stammered like that, Letterman would ridicule him in his tedious “Great Moments from Presidential Speeches.” As with everything else Obama says inarticulately, or does stupidly, he gets a pass.

That particular bumbling in Bristol occurred 17 days ago. Anyone see it covered by the national media? I didn’t.

(For 44 other original articles on Obama, see my website, )

Tuesday, June 10, 2008



Actually, they shouldn’t be called sluts and they even include teen boys who are so overwhelmed by our sexualized culture that they see no problem with exhibiting naked pictures of themselves via cell phones and online.

We can blame Hollywood, we can blame society, we can blame a whole host of negative influences, but doesn’t it all come down to the values that today’s parents are instilling in their children? Or not instilling?

I’m no prude. However I do think kids should have a childhood and that childhood should not be exploited either by oblivious, immature teens themselves or by websites that cater to the prurient.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

D-DAY: 1944 vs 2008


No matter what we may think of FDR—and what I think is ambivalent at best—the man had a soul and seemed to love his country. Same goes for JFK, along with a comparable ambivalence. However, this speech by FDR, delivered while the invasion of Normandy was in progress, stands in stark contrast with the thinking of too many of our leaders today.

That invasion didn’t take a day, of course. Dubbed “Operation Overlord,” it consisted of a great armada of some 7000 ships and landing craft, almost 200,000 allied naval personnel, 850,000 troops, of which 133,000 stormed the beaches on June 6th, 1944 and suffered over 10,000 casualties. A year of of bitter, bloody fighting ensued, culminating with the liberation of Paris on August 25th and the ultimate surrender of Nazi Germany eight months later. (For a synopsis and D-Day pictures, please see

That mini-history lesson brings us back to FDR’s speech. A few excerpts:

“Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity. . . They will need Thy blessings. . .

“Some will never return. Embrace these, Father, and receive them, Thy heroic servants, into Thy kingdom. . .

“With Thy blessing, we shall prevail over the unholy forces of our enemy. . . Lead us to the saving of our country, and with our sister nations into a world unity that will spell a sure peace — a peace invulnerable to the schemings of unworthy men. And a peace that will let all of men live in freedom, reaping the just rewards of their honest toil.

“Thy will be done, Almighty God. Amen.”

I refuse to engage in partisan attacks on this the sixty-fourth anniversary of the beginning of the Normandy Invasion. Rather, I would point to where we were sixty-four years ago in terms of faith in our Judeo-Christian God, faith in our troops, faith in our country, and faith in our ourselves as a people and ask: How many of our leaders today could have written or spoken those inspirational words of FDR?

(For FDR’s complete D-Day speech, please see

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Recorded May 30, 2008 0815 EDT
“Ok, Rev, here's the deal. This chit has really hit the fan now."

"What you mean, Barry? Chit?"

"You know what I mean, Jerry, all the stuff you've been saying for years, about the honkies and this racist country we're stuck with. Now, with Reverend Mike pulling his imitation of you . . ."

"Oh, that. Well, I challenged Mike to see if he could pull off giving one of my sermons because he said it was easy. I mean, it is easy, sorta, since I believe every word I spew but, dammit, that bastard actually did it! I forgot that he hates this muthaf….ing country as much as I do and . . ."

"Excuse me, Rev, I have to interrupt. You're not getting my point. I have to bail on Trinity United."

"Bail? Whatcha talkin' 'bout, Bama?"

"I mean resign from the church."

"Resign? Resign? What the f..k yo' mean, resign? Done nobody resign from mah church, you muthaf…ing oreo!"

"Hold on, Rev, you resigned, didn't you?"

"Boy, you know damnedass well Ah retired and only because you asked me to, real nice like. I coulda gone on for a hella years but, no, you had to suck up to the honkies and make yoself look like da man just so's you can be elected da president of this hellhole nation! And then yo goes and tears into me!"

"Look, I explained all that. This country would never be so stupid as to elect me after the media got hold of your sermons. I got ‘em fooled so far but I had to distance myself. It's like that trade stuff that dumbass Goolsbee let slip to the Frogs. We had to deny we really meant that my administration would restrict trade with Canada. And, remember, the Secretary of State slot is still yours for the asking."

"Yo can shove yo slots, Bama. Yo forget, Ah married yo sorry ass to dat Robinson beatch . . .

“You’re referring to my wife, Michelle.”

“Right--and ah gots to say she’s been sticking her foot in her mouf a lot lately—and ah baptized those pickaninnies of yours . . . what’s their names again?”

“Malia and Sasha, and don’t call them pickaninnies, please.”

“Yeah, Malia and Sasha, and yo sat yo half- black ass in mah church fo’ twenty f…ing years and yo nevah said a word about what I preached, . . . okay, you did say yo loved what I said a slew of times . . . And now yo has to distance yoself? Yo can just distance THIS!”

“Rev, you know Michelle and I made hefty contributions to Trinity United. In view of that, . . .”

“Hold on, dere, Boy. Until yo decided two years was enuff experience and yo wanted to become Da Head Massa of Honkyland, getting money outta you was like whacking off a dead man, da Trinity ladies used to call you Da Man Whose Check Always Be In Da Mail, and dat time yo donated yo skivvies . . .

“I was merely emulating Bill Clinton.”

“Yeah, whateva! Dey say yo is so smart, just like dey said dat Da Great White Hope be da smartest lady on da planet back when she was cleaning up after her bubba. Best thing I can say about yo is, yo sho not be too dumb if you can get aways with what you’re doing. And no dress stains if she be da vp, ya hear! (sounds of laughter, guffawing)


“Yeah, Barry?”

“You do know this is just a temporary split, right, merely a temporary measure for the sake of expediency?”

“Barry, Ah knows dat! I was just bustin’ yo white gonad!” ( laughter)

“Good. After all, you’re my mentor, my spiritual guide. You’ve been like a daddy to me, in fact, the only non-Muslim daddy I’ve ever known. (laughter) When I’m elected, if you don’t want State, you know you can choose any position in government you want.”

“Barry, yo is just too good to me. Ah would be honored to be Secretary of Defense. Ah has dese plans to surrender da Jewnited States to Iran. (hysterical laughter) By da way, could you find a job for Pfleger? I hear St. Sabina’s kicked him out on his honky ass. Fo’ some reason, he wants to be assigned to a all-boys school.”

“Sure, Reverend, whatever you want. I can make Pfleger Education Secretary.”

“That’d be fine, Bar. He just loves dose kids! Well, gots to go prep my next talk. Ah be speakin’ ats da Elijah Muhammed University commencement.”

“Okay. Salaam, Reverend. See you November 6th!”

“Yo betcha ass yo will see me! Oh, wait, will yo still be campaigning hard in all dose 57 states?