Sunday, June 22, 2008

OBAMA XLVJune 22nd, 2008

Ok, we’ve been told Obama is the new JFK, brainy, handsome, eloquent, etc. etc. etc.

Well, I don’t know about any of that, especially about his eloquence when he doesn’t have his script. Take a listen to a few examples of when the guy has to wing it sans prepared text: YouTube - Barack Obama - Blithering Idiot - Bristol, VA 6/5/08

If Bush stumbled and stammered like that, Letterman would ridicule him in his tedious “Great Moments from Presidential Speeches.” As with everything else Obama says inarticulately, or does stupidly, he gets a pass.

That particular bumbling in Bristol occurred 17 days ago. Anyone see it covered by the national media? I didn’t.

(For 44 other original articles on Obama, see my website, )

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