Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mostly Comedy

We have more than a sufficiency today of instance of domestic, national, and international tragedies. We have a serious dearth of comedy, so serious that we have to search long and hard and look to serio-comedy, a tragic-comedic blend, for some balance.

We are favored today with few if any true, individual tragedies since we are blessed with few if any, true heroic figures who are requisites for classical tragedy. As rare as comedy is, tragicomedies must be employed as another source to lighten the mood.

As a respite from the usual, we present a variety of current examples of light comedy, tragicomedy, farce, and political humor.

Light Comedy–Of Cigars and Bowling:

Meet the Duggars, all 20 of them:

I try not to watch television shows depicting odd behavior and I would have to cite the unreality series, “Eighteen Kids and Counting,” as an example. The Duggars, (and no name-sniggering, please!), Michelle and Jim-Bob, must be out to set a production record with the number of their cherubs, 18 and counting plus a new grandbaby and new daughter-in-law.

As a registered cynic, i just think the family seems to be too good to be true, sort of like the near-perfect, all above average residents of Garrison Keilor’s Lake Wobegon. They also seem like nice, good, deeply-religious people but, seriously now, eighteen kids? Granted, the Bible tells us to be fruitful and multiply but God never suggested we do it like rabbits. I’m no environmental nut but the Duggar carbon footprint must approach Al Gore’s!

Anyone living in the real world would have to wonder where the Duggers live. What planet, that is. I’m not referring to their beautiful sprawling bunk house in Tontitown, Arkansas where the parents appear to do little else but make babies and their kids spend their time looking like cute refugees from “Little House on the Prairie.”

Admittedly, the Duggars seem well able to afford their huge brood and all the kids appear pretty happy, and as clean and attractive as Obama. Even more so.

It’s not really true that they’re homebodies, either. The Duggars are constantly on the move, all 18 of their progeny in tow. The clips of the clan going sky diving or touring Disney World or New York City has to raise suspicions that they could very well lose one or two along the way and would barely notice since there’s probably another one baking in Michelle’s oven.

That’s meanly facetious, of course, but when on the few occasions I’ve seen the show a W.C. Field’s comment comes to mind as does the comment of a friend’s mother in law. In related contexts, Fields is supposed to have said about excessive procreational activities, “I like my cigar too, but I take it out once in a while.” The mother-in-law, after her son in law had impregnated her daughter thrice in four years, asked him, “Why don’t you take up bowling or something?”

All in all, the Duggars represent pleasant, light comedy. See their website:

Tragicomedy–Jon, Kate and Someone: Somewhat less wholesome is the case of another TLC reality show, “Jon and Kate Plus Eight” which features the Gosselin family, headed by an occasionally shrewish Kate Gosselin and her occasionally horny hubby, Jon.

Michelle Duggar would be horrified at some of Kate’s treatment of Jon and both Duggars would be aghast at Jon who is now suspected of looking for love in all the wrong places, with a few co-eds and conceivably in a bed not occupied by his wife:

Compared to the Duggars, Jon and Kate’s brood is modest, a pair of twins and sextuplets:

Jon Gosselin, who achieved relative fame due to the accident of his wife birthing 6 babies in one fell swoop was caught wining, dining and maybe wooing a damsel other than Kate. Caught in the act, he apologized for his randy behavior, which is more than Senator John Edwards or actor Mel Gibson did when caught with their Fruit o’ the Looms down.

Apologies may not cut it for Jon. Mrs. Gosselin is no Mrs. Duggar and could very well bobbitize him in a future episode. It may be Jon’s good fortune that divorce is in the wind according to US Magazine and other sources, which would probably lead to TLC’s cancellation of Jon, Kate, and their eight.

Farce–The Wedding Crusher: So, a girl was getting wed last September. When Harry met Sandrina they fell in love and they shacked up lived together for 3 years and set the date. Things were moving along swimmingly on this the most important day of her life. Afterward, the bride sued a wedding guest, Harry’s boss.

Said guest allegedly stood up during the ceremony and said, “Me and Harry were good together. You had to ruin everything by marrying him. You f- - -ed everything up,” . . .

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

100 Days of Obamanians

As the Obama administration enters its second hundred day cycle, the internet, the blogosphere, and that other source of news, information, and opinion–the dying mass media–is awash with people voicing their many and varied opinions on the success or failure of those days.

In a way, it’s unfair to pass judgement so soon on a new president since 14+ weeks is hardly sufficient time to draw valid conclusions. Obama himself doesn’t think so, however, and is using the 100-day milestone to toot his own horn in the Midwest, after which he jets back to Washington to do some more tooting on his prime-time special tonight.

Not one to stay home when he could be visiting his subjects somewhere, our Traveller-in-Chief was off on Wednesday to the St. Louis area. Recall that after all of 3 weeks as president, he announced he was already tired of Washington? Well, he’s demonstrated his cure for that initial chief executive fatigue by flying all over the place, hitting 12 states and half a dozen countries in the last 3 months, and burning up tons of jet fuel and befouling the stratosphere in the process.

Rahm Emanuel should remind his boss that the election was over six months ago and this is the time to try governing instead of campaigning. He might remind him too that he owes the planet tons of carbon credits for his needless meandering.

One junket was excusable, at least to the romantics out there. That was when he took his bride to Chicago on Air Force One on St. Valentine’s Day. It can’t really be classified as a campaign stop since he simply wanted to have a nice, enchanting little dinner with the beautiful Michelle at their favorite, cozy little rendezvous. You can’t fault a guy for that. Everyone knows there are no decent restaurants in the D.C. area.

In Missouri, Obama touted the achievements of his first 100 days at his fourth town hall type affair since he took over on January 20th, saying in characteristically lofty diction, “We’ve begun the work of remaking America.” He added that, “We have begun to pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off,” just like that famous ant with the rubber tree.

He also said he is “pleased with the progress we’ve made, but I’m not satisfied. I’m confident in the future, but I’m not content with the present:”

That turned out to be such a good line that his trusty teleprompter prompted him to re-use it on prime time.

It was all very reassuring, as contrasted with his gloom and doom ravings of a few months ago when he got so carried away with negativism that Bubba Clinton had to tell him to stifle it. Needless to say, he didn’t dwell on his flubs, fluffs, and screw-ups of his first 100 days.

Although Obama is still enjoying good favorability numbers, they aren’t off the charts and are very comparable to his predecessors’. AOL/Politics Daily poll gives him . . .

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Who the Hell Is This Guy, George Soros?

“The war on terror cannot be won.” The U.S. “is the main obstacle to a stable and just world.” American troops are “perpetrators” and “oppressors.” “The war on drugs is doing more harm to our society than drug abuse itself.”

Words spoken by bin Laden or Harry Reid? No. By Vlad Putin or John Murtha? Nope. By Hugo Chavez or Fidel? Nah. By a Mexican drug lord or Robert Downey? Wrong again. They are just some of the collected words of leftist wisdom spewed by a defeatist, America-hating, bizarre individual who goes by the name of George Soros

Whose society he means by “our society” is as difficult to determine as is where his allegiance lies. It can’t be in America.

According to one of his websites, “A global financier and philanthropist, George Soros is the founder and chairman of a network of foundations that promote, among other things, the creation of open, democratic societies based upon the rule of law, market economies, transparent and accountable governance, freedom of the press, and respect for human rights.”

That self-aggrandizing site fails miserably in explaining who and what this “financier and philanthropist” really is, how and where he got his money, and how and to whom he extends his generous helping hand.

Hint: It’s not to the Republican Party and it’s not to conservative causes.

Born in Budapest to Jewish parents in 1930, Soros, (original name György Schwartz), emigrated to England in 1947 and then to America in 1956. Since then, he has become one of the richest men on the planet, a position he evidently feels grants him the authority not only to make pronouncements on America’s leaders and America’s values but to manipulate our government and our people.

This week, Soros was in the news for saying that, “Former Vice President Dick Cheney’s role in approving enhanced interrogation techniques used by the CIA should be examined by a presidential commission:”

Translation: Cheney, along with former President George W. Bush, against whom Soros declared a vendetta in 2003, should be indicted, tried, convicted, hung by their thumbs or some other body part in the Mojave Desert, eaten alive by coyotes, and their remains devoured by ravenous vultures. Don Rumsfeld and Condi Rice would no doubt be third and fourth in line for the Soros gallows.

Their crime(s)? Doing all in their power to protect, defend, and preserve the United States of America, all of which are capital offenses in Soros’ book. So, too, are America’s freedoms and our free enterprise and capitalist systems, the bases of America’s amazing strength, wealth and unsurpassed standard of living.

So, what’s his problem? He has many obvious problems, among which is that George Soros has this undeniable skill and penchant for making billions as millions of others go broke and destitute.

Problem? What problem, he would say.

As millions of Americans and Western Europeans have lost their jobs, homes, and mental well-being in the worst economic downturn since the 1930’s, Soros was scoring big time. “George Soros said the current economic crisis has been the culmination of his life’s work.” This long-anticipated crisis earned him over a billion dollars last year via his unregulated Quantum hedge fund for the super rich:

In brief, Soros strove for this mess we are in and he is benefitting mightily from it as he continues his manipulations to effect a total financial and societal meltdown in the Western World. Then, the unadvertised plan is, he and his fellow thinkers and fellow travelers will step in and establish a brave new world predicated on their socialistic, communistic precepts.

He’s quite familiar with economic and political crises and has long been a master manipulator of shady schemes to utilize them to his financial advantage: . . .

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Abortion Updates

Abortion may be America’s most uncomfortable topic of discussion but its very unpopularity makes it that more important to discuss it. Ignoring the gory details of abortion “procedures” and not publicizing those in the public eye who facilitate abortions won’t make the subject go away and will only exacerbate it.

Most politicians such as former president Clinton spout the tired line that they believe everything possible should be done to reduce the number of abortions–now up to 50,000,000 and counting since Roe v Wade–and then resort to various subterfuges to foster abortion. Many pols and non- pols seem oblivious of the hypocrisy of their stance versus their public utterances and actions.

Cases in point:

Biden is doing abortion’s bidding: Hypocritical case in point is ostensibly-Catholic Vice President Joe Biden who often seems oblivious but never more so than when he spoke at ostensibly-Catholic Georgetown University. He was mis-chosen by Georgetown to receive an award for his efforts to protect women but he did not directly address the issue of protecting the pre-born, those little packages they carry which forever affect the lives of women.

The ostensibly-Catholic school likewise did not address Catholic theology nor reflect that in honoring pro-abortionists it was acting in defiance of papal and moral prohibitions.

In being “pro-choice,” a euphemism for pro-abortion, Biden apparently was unable to perceive the bitter irony in saying at the award ceremony that there is “no excuse” for violence committed against a child. At the same time he endorses the most violent conceivable act against any child, namely murdering them in the process of aborting them:

Biden must believe that violence, like beauty, lies in the perception of the beholder since he upholds various abortion techniques such as employing dilation and currettage, suction-aspiration, saline amniocentisis, and D&X. Those “non-violent” methods, respectively, involve scraping, vacuuming, burning, and dissecting pre-born infants, for which there obviously is an excuse in the mind of Joseph Biden.

Standing up for the defenseless: Someone who has witnessed abortion up close and all- too-personally is Registered Nurse Jill Stanek. (See “Barack Hussein Abortion Obama,” and “Obama Flips Off Babies,”

Pro-choice at one time, Jill Stanek saw the light when she worked as an obstetric nurse at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois. She was present one night when the most offensive of all types of abortion was committed against one of those children for whom VP Biden sees an excuse for killing.

Calling what Stanek saw an “abortion” is actually another, legal, euphemism. It was actually far worse.

The late Democratic Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan referred to D&X abortions–late term abortions–as infanticide. Had he been aware of so-called abortion advances as witnessed by Stanek he would have to qualify his view. I refer to the practice of allowing babies born alive after botched medical abortions to wither and die and then be tossed in the trash.

What else is that but unaldulterated, premeditated murder, worse even than D&X infanticide? When infants are born alive and nurses, doctors, and aides consign those babies to expire naked, alone, uncomforted, and un-loved in the garbage is much more a denial of our humanity that the Nazi Angel of Death, Dr. Mengele, ever demonstrated.

As a result of what she witnessed, Stanek became deeply involved in the pro-life movement and especially in the successful campaign to get a law on the books which protected the lives of those infant victims of “live birth abortions.” That law was eventually passed overwhelmingly in Congress; Illinois State Senator Barack Obama twice voted against a similar law in his state.

Stanek encountered our future president in the Illinois Capitol . . .

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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Frost/Nixon: An Excursion into Revisionist Fantasy

Frost/Nixon, An Excursion into Revisionist Fantasy

I freely concede I’m no movie critic with no pretense of being a Siskel, an Ebert, or a Roeper. I like movies with some action, a shot of titilating romance, involving mixed genders, preferably devoid of leftist propaganda and homosexual themes. Unlike television sitcoms, locating such films is still possible, if increasingly difficult, to find. Despite many reviews to the contrary, Frost/Nixon isn’t one of them.

I have no clue as to why it was honored with 5 Golden Globes and 5 Academy Award nominations except that those tributes were more reflective of Hollywood’s sharp liberal, leftist bent than the merits of the film. Frost/Nixon’s one saving grace was that it was devoid of homosexual characters, attributable to its 1977 setting, when most homosexuals were still in closets as opposed to their current infestation of American society and entertainment venues. Politically, it reeked and oozed liberal propaganda.

The absence of quality in the disjointed Frost/Nixon, which nevertheless was accorded accolades, was superseded by a blatant revisionistic interpretation of history. On top of all that, it was just plain boring, except for Frank Langella’s excellent rendition of the brooding yet brilliant figure of Richard Nixon. As for Michael Sheen, he should have stayed on his own side of the Pond.

Perhaps a swisher or two would have made the difference in Frost/Nixon, as comic figures, and it might have finished ahead of Milk as best picture of 2008. It sure worked for Brokeback Mountain, anointed the 2005 best picture winner because it “broke new ground” with its two homosexual cowboys. Frost/Nixon didn’t break any ground at all since Nixon has been trashed for half a century and usually with more historical accuracy.

David Paradine Frost was essentially a nonentity with a career circling the toilet when he conceived the idea of cashing in on the disgraced and almost-impeached Nixon. His project and the movie featured a series of one-on-one interviews with the former president, the plan being to get him to fess up that he was responsible for the loss of thousands of American lives and many more thousands of Vietnamese in the Viet Nam War and to admit complicity in the Watergate coverup.

The plan failed but you would never know it from Frost/Nixon which presents Frost as scoring a dramatic coup d’etat, which never really happened, although it’s hard to tell that from the reviews.

Google “Frost/Nixon” . . .

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Homosexual Speaks Out!

In the interests of fairness and since I have recently been accused of being a “mother f****r,” a homophobe, a bigot, a hater, an ignoramus, a slanderer, and a closet homosexual, (See comments following “Day of Silence . . .” article,, I hereby offer even more space for a supplementary rebuttal from a representative of the gay community.

Copyright restrictions prohibit reprinting the entire rebuttal–which may be a poor choice of words for a homosexual’s commentary–but I will provide the link to “Homophobia Is Killing Our Youth,” published on and written by “ladyblue999:”

Needless to say, I feel compelled to comment on the commentary by ladyblue999, to whom I shall refer as 999 for the sake of simplicity. First of all, for clarification, I believe 999’s title is a reference to gay youths, not young people in general, allegedly being killed by homophobia.

In the second sentence of her brief article, (assuming 999 is a “she,” something not always determinable among transgenders), 999 writes, “Amidst all this homophobic murder, . . .” Now, that’s confusing since one can’t distinguish whether 999 is referencing the “killing” in her title, which in itself is hyperbolic, or referring to actual murders of gays in our society. If the latter, then 999 is perpetuating a myth created by the LGBT Lobby that straights are roaming the landscape slaughtering homosexuals willy nilly, or even regularly.

Stuff happens, of course, and sometimes very evil “stuff” such as the murder of anyone for any reason, every instance of which should be condemned by all members of civilized society. However, if 999 is suggesting that instances of killing homosexuals by non-homosexuals even remotely approximates the reverse, i.e., gays murdering non-gays, she is a victim or a perpetrator of that manufactured fallacy.

Since this space was offered as an opportunity for 999 to speak out, I won’t belabor the point except to say that that fallacy goes back to the senseless murder in 1998 of Matthew Shepard by two degenerate cretins who, it has been proven, killed the Wyoming student not because he was gay but because they wanted to rob him. Gays, however, jumped on the case to advance their own causes even if their basic premise was flawed.

For a number of specifics refuting that canard, please see . . .
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wascally Repubs, Cuckoo Conservatives, and Tea Parties

We can all rest just a tad easier tonight. Our DHS is on the alert!

Forget about bin Laden and radical Islamic terrorists. Disregard those millions of illegal aliens on our soil. Ignore Kim Jong-Il’s fireworks displays. Don’t worry about Muslim pirates on the high seas. Don’t sweat the Obamanians now in process of billing our grandkids for trillions of dollars for our profligate national debt. Homeland Security Chieftess, Janet Napolitano and her minions at the Department of Homeland Security advise that the chief threat to that security is none of the above. Rather, it’s those wascally Wepublicans and cuckoo conservatives we have to watch out for!

They say timing is everything in comic delivery but the timing of Chieftess Janet’s warning hit the wires the day before the First Annual National Tea Party to protest our Democratic government’s ongoing efforts to bankrupt the nation is anything but comical. It’s more akin to a threat against law-abiding American patriots by our duly elected and appointed government.

That veiled threat actually came in an April 7th letter issued by the DHS to federal, state and local police thoughout the country to be on the alert for radical “right-wing extremists,” including [maniacal] vets returning from war after valiantly serving America, the jobless driven to desparation [by George W. Bush], the homeless [thown out of their McMansions by that same Bush], and [anti-Semitic Jewish] investors furious over being scammed by Bernie Madoff.

The bracketed words are conclusions drawn from but not specifically mentioned in a Reuters article, “Right-Wing Extremism Fueled by Recession, U.S Says:”

Also not specifically cited in the DHS letter are tea drinkers but then again we know we always have to keep a trained security eye on that suspicious, America-hating ilk! Implicit in the timing is that anyone planning to attend one of those tea party rallies should be aware that Obama’s brownshirts are onto them and will no doubt be taking names, snapping pictures, and taping videos of the attendees and their incipient insurrection.

Back in the fifties, . . .

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Kudos to Obama!

It isn’t often–indeed, I have never done it before–do I toss congratulations, and a deep-felt thanks, to our president-in-training, Barack Obama but when kudos are deserved they should be accorded.

On this Easter Sunday, Obama sent bunny hugs to the family of Captain Courageous Richard Phillips, skipper of the Maersk Alabama, by (apparently) authorizing four of our equally brave Navy Seals to rescue him from captivity by Muslim Somali pirates.

Of course, kudos should be spread around among Captain Phillips, the Seals, U.S. Naval Central Commander Vice Admiral Bill Gortney, the crew of the USS Bainbridge, and everyone else involved in the rescue effort. However, as Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces, Obama deserves our plaudits.

Reports indicate that Captain Phillips heroically dove overboard from the small boat on which he was being held captive by the pirates who had tried to seize his ship, which was the second time within 3 days that he tried to escape. This time, Seal rescuers were at the ready and used the opportunity to stage an assault on his four Somali captors, killing three and capturing one in the ensuing firefight.

Vice Admiral Gortney “paid tribute to ‘an incredible team effort’ and said he was ‘extremely proud of the tireless efforts of all the men and women who made this rescue possible.’ ” President Obama chimed in by saying, “He was very pleased that Capt Phillips had been rescued and that his courage was a ‘model for all Americans.’ “

You can say that again, Mr. President! He added that “he was resolved to deal with the threat of piracy in the region:”

We will have to see how that resolve plays out but as of now it must be admitted that Obama showed more gumption than anyone could have reasonably expected. Former President Jimmy Carter would probably have dithered, waffled, and negotiated for a year before screwing everything up. Fresh off his “Apology Tour” of Europe, Obama may have learned something, namely that sucking up and kissing ass only leads to loss of face, dignity, and national pride.

All in all, it was a commendable rescue on the part of everyone involved even if the message of dispatching naval warships and demonstrating that America still believes no one should try treading on us in the future may not immediately register with soul-less Islamic terrorists/pirates.

Let’s hope that if their acts of piracy on the high seas don’t cease, our president will summon up the additional gumption and emulate President Thomas Jefferson by sending our navy and marines to the shores of Mogadishu to wipe out piracy as Jefferson did on the shores of Tripoli.

May the good captain’s wife Andrea Phillips and all the rest of his family and friends enjoy a very Happy Easter! They deserve it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

This Is News?

Ages ago, Pete Seeger and Peter, Paul, and Mary whined about where all the flowers had gone and asked the rhetorical question, “Oh, when will they ever learn?/ Oh, when will they ever learn?” Since it’s still only April in our very un-Gore-ishly cold country, a plenitude of flowers isn’t due for another month or so but their question in 2009 could very well be directed to the print media, news services, and our new president-in-training: When will they ever learn?

As American newspaper after American newspaper folds, succumbing to the powerful force of the internet, they say, while seemingly oblivious to the reality that millions of us neither believe their slanted reporting nor trust them as far as we can throw a newspaper delivery truck, they nevertheless continue to report the inconsequential and, most egregiously, their skewed version of “the news.” At the same time, reality keeps biting Obama on the arse but he too doesn’t seem in learning mode.

Cases in point:

The Associated Press believes that teenaged Bristol Palin’s romantic life constitutes a newsworthy story: The highly-respected AP may next report that Bristol, who happens to be the daughter of the much-reviled governor of Alaska, has developed a nasty pimple or that Baby Tripp contracted a mild case of the croup. I can understand the need for variety in AP wires but do the editors there really believe teen romance, or lack thereof, constitutes “news,” per se? Bristol obviously made the mistake of hooking up with a loser who now craves a piece of the publicity pie. That’s as believable as the distinguished Associated Press making an issue of the rare instance of teen sex gone awry. Or could this be yet another effort to further tarnish Sarah Palin and her family?

As we shiver just going out for the paper in the morning on these expectedly balmy April days, our very astute leader, President Barack Hussein Obama has plans to relieve all our chills. His equally astute science adviser, “John Holdren told The Associated Press . . . that the idea of geoengineering the climate is being discussed. One such extreme option includes shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun’s rays:” The AP dutifully reported that bizarre scheme which was long ago debunked as reported here: Since Obama notoriously keeps the Oval Office temperature at hothouse levels, he may not be aware that, Baby, it’s cold outside!

Undismayed by climate reality, Barack moved on to social matters and to demonstrate his commitment to transparency and objectivity nominated homosexual Harry Knox to his “faith-based minority council.” Mr. Knox, “a self-professed Christian who holds that the New Testament’s teaching that homosexual behavior is unnatural and wrong–which is found in St. Paul’s letter to the Romans–’is not true:’ ” Well, go figure! . . .

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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Gay Marriage Quiz

“Okay, get your thinking hats on, class, please, because we have a little quiz today and let’s have no cheating, borrowing answers, or conferencing. It’s an easy quiz, just one question, and those of you who have kept up on current affairs–and not the affairs in Hollywood or on Desparate Housewives–should do just fine if you’ve been paying attention to the world around you.”

Sounds of discontent begin.

“Ok, here we go. You will have more than enough time to pose queries and then 10 seconds from the time I finish asking the question and the end of the Q&A to write your answer. And stop the complaining that 10 seconds isn’t enough time. The quiz requires only a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response.

“The one question is, and wait until I finish asking it before you interrupt, please: Has any state in the United States of America ever approved by a constitutional, popular vote the legalization of marriages of people of the same gender? Yes or no?”

Suzie at once raises her hand and blurts out, “You never said we had to know this for a test!”

“Well, no, Suzie, but this isn’t a test, it’s just a quiz.”

“Yeah, but still, it’s no fair,” Suzie adds as she folds her arms in indignation and murmurs of agreement filter through the room.

“What do you mean by, ‘constitutional, popular vote,’ anyways?” Johnny blurts out. “What’s so popular about voting?”

“No, Johnny, ‘popular’ there refers to ‘reflecting the will of the people,’ not ‘popularity’ as with rock stars, for example.”

Johnny harrumphs.

“Any other questions?”

“Yeah, Teach, ah got a question,” Lionel chimes in. “What about this constitution thing, huh? I mean, what’s dat got to do with it? Who cares what some old White dudes wrote down thousands of years ago?”

Encouraged by a smattering of tepid applause, Lionel goes on. “I mean, if some sistah and some other sistah or some brutha and some other brutha wanna make hookin’ up all legal and whatevah, why not let them be happy? Ya know what ah mean?”

Lionel returns to his seat to another smattering.

“Umm, Lionel, I know what you mean, I think, but first of all, it was hundreds, not thousands, of years ago, 1787, to be precise, and . . .”

“Wait, what’s all this have to do with the quiz?” Dwight asks.

“Good point, Dwight, and if there are no other questions, the 10 second answering time begins now.”

“Wait, wait, hold up, please! How much will this count toward our final average?” Suzie blurts out.

In the event it wasn’t obvious, that dialogue never actually happened verbatim although in one way or another it may well be the topic of discussion in many a classroom over the next week or so given the most recent trashing of America’s Constitution by the Iowa Supreme Court:

Once again, a judicial entity has superseded the authority and the right of the American people to determine who is legally entitled to marry whom in an ostensible democratic republic.

This issue of homosexual marriage seems to have a life of its own. Voted down by popular vote in California last November when Left Coasters resoundingly, and surprisingly, endorsed this simple 14 word amendment to its constitution, “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California,” one would have thought the case was closed.

Not by a long shot.

Even though the vote was 52.3% to 47.7% against the gay agenda, in one of the most liberal states in the nation, that expression of the majority will of the people only ignited homosexual activists who then resorted to heated demonstrations, rioting, threats of violence, and even death threats to get their way.

(See “Homosexuals Resort To (More) Threats of Violence,”, for details and links to those efforts at intimidation.)

Undeterred by that defeat, and preceding it, homosexuals have also been resorting to liberal state courts as a remedy. . .

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Rush for Obama-slation

There’s a plan behind the Obama frenzy to issue and overturn presidential orders and at the root of the frenzy of his fellow Democrats in Congress to propose, pass, and get signed into law legislation which radically changes the American social, economic, and political landscape.

As for actually reading and digesting the import of any bills before Congress votes on them and the president signing them, the prevailing philosophy is: Damn the reading, full speed ahead. Of paramount importance is keeping focused on the election of 2010.

Rahm Emanuel, the president’s version of Karl Rove, must be absolutely giddy over his achievements to date in this very young administration. As Obama’s entourage headed off to Europe en masse, 500 bodies strong, including speech writers, advisors, security personnel, chefs, personal attendants, and designated bottle washers, Rahm must be proud indeed of what they have done so far.

Now comes the biggest challenge to date. The European excursion has multiple purposes but chief among them is Obama’s need to persuade heads of state that Obama is right and that they are all as wrong as snow in April. Whatever the results, they have good reason to be cocky, considering their successes so far.

First, there was the campaign itself, a campaign in which Obama could promise and say virtually anything and commit gaffe after gaffe with impunity, knowing the mass media would cover for him, which it did repeatedly. Maybe, as Obama said, there really are 57 states and the rest of us just haven’t noticed the new arrivals?

Then there were all the promises he made regarding such hot topics as funding embryonic stem cell research, unfetterring gays in the military, shuttering Gitmo, massively increasing spending and taxes, pushing for union-sought card check, wiping out abortion restrictions via FOCA, instituting Cap and Trade, et al. All those initiatives have been fulfilled or are in process of fulfillment.

Our president hasn’t yet made specific proposals on other campaign promises and implicit aims. Sharing the wealth, dismantling the military, stemming the rising seas, restructuring the planet, climbing every mountain, swimming every sea will have to wait for his return so give the man time.

Most recently he tested the opposition waters to see what he could get away with in his quest for dictatorial powers. Obama crossed his Rubicon with his outrageous and unprecedented dismissal by fiat of the CEO of a major American corporation. And there was barely a ripple in the waters.

Call it a power grab or a dictatorial presumption by a power hungry Chief Executive, President Obama tipped his hand with that action. He revealed what some of us have long suspected, that he sees himself far removed from the norm of what a president is and what powers a president should have in a representative democratic republic.

There was good reason for his nickname, the Obamassiah.

GM’s Rick Wagoner ostensibly stepped down at the president’s “behest,” a euphemism for “demand” and took his $22 million dollar parachute with him as he bailed. Anyone who thinks his resignation was in any way voluntary must also think UAW President Ron Gettlefinger will be fired next. Those believers should set out cookies for the Easter Bunny in a few weeks and hope he leaves a few colored eggs.

Obama’s alter ego in the House, Rep. Barney Frank, not one to be reticent despite the many reasons he should hide in the House cloakroom, or bathroom, weighed in with his own scheme to save, protect, and preserve America’s economy.

Barney, ever the stickler for protocol and propriety, knows how to do all that: wage controls over the private sector by government:

Say, what?

It’s true. Rep Frank in his role as Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, was foiled in the House attempt to impose a confiscatory and unconstitutional tax on bonuses for greedy AIG execs. But he has a default ploy: Let government determine what each and every employee of any firm which was sucker enough to accept bailout bucks deserves as recompense.

Again, no reference to overseeing and approving the salaries of Gettelfinger and other union bigwigs. One does not bite the union hand that feeds, and elects, one.

There was no reference, either,...

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