Saturday, October 8, 2011

Wall Street, the Numbnuts Not the Movie

Wall Street, the Numbnuts Not the Movie

Egged on by a knowing wink from the president of the United States, other Democrat politicians, wealthy Hollywood celebs, and SEIU labor union goons, the children and grandchildren of sixties’ anarchists and probably not a few of those grizzled, old lefties themselves and the philosophical heirs of earlier radicals have discovered a new cause to occupy their time: trashing the capitalist system that has made America the richest, most powerful, nation on the planet.

There’s no point in staging massive demonstrations against the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya since George W. Bush is long gone and those unending conflicts are now their mentor’s wars so, what to do, where to go? Why, the epicenter of American capitalism, Wall Street, the place where over half of Americans invest for their future, of course!

The new hypocritical, insurrectionist crazies of the twenty first century have taken on the roles of the old twentieth century hypocritical, violent, insurrectionist crazies and titled their movement “Occupy Wall Street” as if titling their protest gives it some focus, a focus their forebears could boast of even if it involved defeatism, nihilism, and revolution.

To be sure, the Occupy Wall Street crowd and their fellow protestors in various other American cities share those same defeatist, nihilistic, revolutionary sentiments. However, unlike their predecessors who craved defeat and retreat in Viet Nam–and got their wish–who strove to reduce the American Dream to nothingness–and came close–whose deepest desire was the overthrow of our government–which failed–the Wall Street occupiers have no clear goals, no overriding doctrines, no logic or common sense to guide them.

They’re just generally malcontented with what they feel are societal inequities and angry over what they call “corporate greed” as they live in filth in Zuccotti Park with one of their slovenly number photographed defecating on an NYPD patrol car.

Consider that their cost-free encampment at Zuccotti is situated on private land owned by Brookfield Office properties; Brookfield is a multi-billion dollar commercial real estate corporation with offices worldwide which prides itself on its capitalistic successes.

Consider the anarchic and senseless and signs the Occupy Wall Streeters display; placards declaring, “Occupy Everything,” “Yo I Fucking Hate Cops,” “I Am Here Because of the Monsters on Wall Street” are just a few examples.

Consider the giddy chants of topless young white women . . .

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