Friday, June 29, 2012

Considering Islam, Obamacare Ruling Is the Least of Our Problems

Considering Islam, Obamacare Ruling Is the Least of Our Problems

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ defection to the dark side on the issue of Obamacare was startling and incredibly disappointing.

Nevertheless, there are noteworthy positives associated with his decision to join the ranks of extreme Leftists on SCOTUS, one of whom should have recused herself had she possessed a shred of integrity, and opt to support a law that was foisted on the American people by the Democrat Party.

For one, Roberts’ vote demonstrated that an ardent conservative can sometimes stray from the consevative path, unlike liberals on the Court and elsewhere who would rather swallow their shoes than voice disagreements with leftist ideology.

For another, declaring Obamacare constitutional offered Mitt Romney the opportunity to gain millions of votes from the majority of Americans who believe the concept of British-style socialized medicine stinks.

For yet another, mandating Obamacare once again outed President Barack Hussein Obama as a liar since the 5-4 split decesion essentially imposes a huge tax increase, a tax the president has repeatedly and emphatically vowed would never happen.

In any event, when Obama is thrown out of office in November and Republicans sweep House and Senate races, Obamacare will be methodically dismantled. Only the good features of the Unaffordable Care Act, such as elimination of lifetime dollar limits on policies and elimination of co-pays for preventive care, will be retained.

More importantly, the entire brouhaha over Obamacare and unduly stressing over a SCOTUS ruling may be moot and a foolish disregard for geopolitical realities–the dire threat to the nation posed by Islam and Muslim extremists intent not on merely destroying America’s health care system but on destroying America itself.

Among the president’s many other flaws is his ignorant obliviousness of the fundamental evil that is Islam. And that evil is not confined to Muslim countries. It is speading rapidly to the West, to America’s shores, and even to our military.

Read the story of British journalist Natasha Smith who, last year, was ecstatic over the glorious, popular upheaval of the Arab Spring. This spring Ms. Smith came face to face with the true nature of Islam in Cairo’s Tahir Square.

She described her not unprecedented experience (remember CBS New’s Lara Logan?) after the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Corsi’s visit to Obama’s White House and his victory in Egypt’s presidential election.

Smith graphically wrote on her blog: “Men began to rip off my clothes. I was stripped naked. Their insatiable appetite to hurt me heightened. These men, hundreds of them, had turned from humans to animals.

“Hundreds of men pulled my limbs apart and threw me around. They were scratching and clenching my breasts and forcing their fingers inside me in every possible way. . .

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Updates: Romney, Racism, and Gays

Updates: Romney, Racism, and Gays

News happens fast and furiously in our high-speed internet age. A few updates on recent stories posted in this space which, by curious happenstance, get little to no coverage from President Barack Hussein Obama’s mainstream media.

MITT ROMNEY. In “Politics, Presidents, and Polygamy,” I cited the marked spike in liberal antipathy toward the presumptive Republican candidate for the presidency, dislike solely predicated on religious bias because Mitt Romney is a Mormon.

That spike is rapidly becoming rabid as seen in the following unedited tweets collected by WeaselZipperscom. (Language caution!)

James Dudley @MrJamesDudley: “#RomneyInTwoWords Fucking Mormon… you need any more words than that?”

WarLord @WarLord: “#RomneyInTwoWords Mormon Cultist”

Chocolate Thunder@ChocolateThund9 #RomneyinTwoWords: “Mormon faggot”:

Matthew Deski @minimack722: “#RomneyInTwoWords: Theological Bigot. “Mormon’s Believe that Black skin is a Curse from God. // Let’s keep that quiet right Mitt & Media?” (

Nothing better defines Obama’s liberals than their bigotry and profanity.

RACISM. As frequently noted here, one of the best-kept secrets of the non-transparent Obama administration is the explosion of black crime and anti-white racism in the United States over the past few years which, just coincidentally, followed a semi-black taking the presidential oath of office.

That explosion also followed a New Black Panther Party member wielding a billy club and declaring outside a Philadelphia polling place on Election Day 2008, “This is what you get with a black man in charge.”

To a cynic, the increase in racial violence and the NBPP warning are suggestive of an implied carte blanche permission to wreak havoc, a permission since reinforced by Obama’s Justice Department.

Too busy trying to hang George Zimmerman for shooting Trayvon Martin in self-defense, and to defend himself from contempt of Congress charges, and persecuting the state of Arizona, Attorney General Eric Holder purposefully and admittedly ignores black racist crimes committed against whites.

This is by no means an attempt to detail the full extent of such crime but rather to acquaint those oblivious of its existence that a one-sided, bloody race war is in progress throughout the nation.

Two recent examples: reports that in Louisiana, three black youths invaded the home of an elderly Mansfield woman and bound, robbed, and gang-raped her before fleeing.  (Read more at

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Latino Vote and La Raza

The Latino Vote and La Raza

Following President Barack Hussein Obama’s cynical, election year, unconstitutional exercise of executive fiat to grant virtual amnesty to illegal aliens, his popularity with Latinos soared.

Now that the Supreme Court of the United States has thrown out large portions of Arizona’s SB1070, many Latinos are ready to declare Obama emperor for life.

No doubt heartened by the Homeland Security Agency’s unheralded decision to suspend agreements with police in Arizona to enforce national immigration laws and direct federal authorities not to respond to police reports of illegal immigrants, the hispanic community may now push for the president’s canonization.

However, Latinos shouldn’t count their quesadillas before they’re baked or cast their ballots for Señor Obama before they understand that this constitutional scholar presidente’ has a penchant for ignoring the Constitution and for not enforcing laws he doesn’t like, inclinations likely to be overturned by SCOTUS. Latinos should also be aware that the Supreme Court upheld Arizona’s police right to ask “Papers, please” of anyone reasonably believed to be squatting is in our country.

Obama’s immigration policies pretend to secure our border but in actuality represent a license for Mexican reprobates to rape, murder, and pillage in Arizona and other border states.

With Allah’s blessing, in November Obama will be re-assigned to his old job of rabble-rousing on Chicago’s mean streets and government harassment of Arizona will cease.

The best bet for Latinos intent on rendering our southern border completely farcical and dividing America is not to count on Obama or the Supremes but instead to cast their lot with La Raza and hope that organization succeeds in re-instituting the siesta tradition so they don’t have to witness the drug cartels murdering everyone in sight.

Outside America’s West and Southwest, La Raza, (“the race” in Spanish), and its goals aren’t very well known. “La Raza” doesn’t refer to a marathon or a sprint but to the subversive National Council of La Raza, (the NCLR), the Movemiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, MEChA.

Dedicated to re-establishing the mythical Mexican kingdom of Aztlan in lands allegedly stolen from Mexico by the United States, La Raza is easily the most powerful, most influential, and most dangerously insurrectionist-minded movement in the country. . .

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Obama-buddy, Can You Spare a Dime?

Obama-buddy, Can You Spare a Dime?

During the Great Depression, “Brother [Buddy] Can You Spare a Dime” could have been the theme song for that miserable era in American history. It could also serve as the theme of Obama’s endless Great Recession, which is not to suggest I worry about the future.

You see, I’m a member of the president’s in-crowd and I’m convinced they’ll take care of me no matter what, if you know what I mean.

My buddy, Barack Hussein Obama, and my other buds on the Obama-Biden re-election team such as campaign manager Jim Messina and deputy campaign manager Jennifer O’Malley Dillon email me regularly, usually asking for donations, although not in dimes. Sometimes they email just to fill me in on how things are going.

I think that’s very nice of them. I know they consider themselves my buddies since their emails are so darn friendly and they always address me by my first name, which I think is an extra-special touch that enables me to refer to Barack by the first name he used when he was a pothead, Barry.

The president himself contacted me on May 31st all but begging me to help him out. As Barry wrote,

“Gene — Think about this: Today, our opponent is facing the same fundraising deadline we are. But the people I’m counting on at this crucial moment could not be more different. He’s relying on high-powered special-interest groups and a TV personality who’s spent the last week questioning where I was born. Our campaign is built by millions of ordinary Americans chipping in what they can, when they can. Will you help out before midnight? Make a donation of $3 or more right now.”

As requested, I thought about his plaintive request–for almost a millisecond.

I thought much longer about why Barry presumptuously referred to Mitt Romney as “our opponent,” I wondered where Barry was really born, and why he considers multi-billionaire George Soros, wealthy labor union goons, and virtually all of Hollywood’s elite as “ordinary Americans.”

Now, I fully understand that my boy Barry is in desperate straits, what with so many 2008 financial backers backing out and with young people and his African-American constituencies less than enthused over almost four years of hopey-changey which have resulted in more despair than hope and changes that most never wanted.

His campaign is so strapped for cash . . .

Politics, Presidents, and Polygamy

As I’ve written before, why any sane man would would want to be married to more than woman at the same time is beyond me.

Aside from the fleeting allure of sexual variety, “Sister Wives” notwithstanding, the practice of a man wedding and bedding multiple wives simultaneously strikes me as perverted, as well as extremely stressful on the male’s energies and equanimity.

It’s almost as antithetical to normality as homosexuals engaging in sex with “partners” of the same gender, or marrying them, despite President Barack Hussein Obama’s sudden evolution on the subject of same-sex marriage and even though political correctness now dictates that gay relationships must somehow be considered acceptable “variations” on normality.

Having exhausted most of the Democrat talking points on President Barack Hussein Obama’s agenda to discredit and marginalize Mitt Romney as being out of touch with average Americans because he and his father made a success of their lives, Obama’s faithful have lately been calling Romney’s Mormon religion into question.

In America, religion is supposed to be off limits in elections but liberals, who don’t much respect religion to start with, don’t respect any limits when those limits are at variance with their extremist philosophy.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and the other 14 Mormons in Congress–13 of whom are Republicans–are generally exempted from such criticism but none of those senators and congressmen are running for the presidency of the United States.

Not surprisingly, liberal aversion to the possibility of electing a Mormon to the presidency has been spiking.

That reality isn’t surprising since libs are anything but liberal when it comes to anyone or anything seen as illiberal and Latter-Day Saints are strongly opposed to the liberal sacrosanct sacrament of abortion, to the practice of homosexuality, and to the legalization of same-sex marriages, among other cherished liberal rights.

According to an analysis conducted by American National Election Studies, . . .

Friday, June 22, 2012

Alec Baldwin: Closet Homophobe, Classic Liberal

Alec Baldwin: Closet Homophobe, Classic Liberal

Born and reared in what was then the mostly-Republican Long Island suburb of Massapequa, affectionately-known as “Matzohpizza” due to its ethnic makeup, Alec Baldwin went on to Tinseltown and television stardom, and to become one of the most repulsive Leftists in the entertainment world.

That takes some doing considering all the competition!

Most recently in the news for, allegedly, assaulting a paparazzo in New York City, Baldwin has a long history of anti-social, anti-American, anti-family conduct which is not to say his behavior has negatively impacted his popularity among starstruck nitwits who tend to make allowances for their liberal heroes’ idiocies.

Known as one of the most outspoken of Hollywood libs, the 54 year old former husband of actress Kim Basinger, Alec Baldwin also seems to be a hateful, closet homophobe. For an iconic Democrat activist and a stalwart Obamian, that should be the kiss of liberal death.

Or, it may not.

A staunch supporter of Barack Hussein Obama and the animal-loving, people-hating PETA, back in 1992, Baldwin was incensed over what he thought was mistreatment of the horses that tow hansom cabs in and around New York’s Central Park.

Having often seen those animals, I can attest to their fine, healthy, well-fed condition, a requisite for the economic survival of their owners.

Not only was Baldwin a horse’s ass in that assessment but his characterization of the hansom drivers as “faggots” was certainly not PC, especially in view of his status as a darling of gay Hollywood.

However, no serious repercussions ensued over his “faggots” remark because, well, because it was uttered by Alec Baldwin and the incident is now two decades old, anyway.

Closer in time was the paparazzo tussle that occurred just last week outside the NYC Marriage License Bureau. Presumably, the actor had gone there to secure a license to marry his newest heartthrob, 28 year old Yoga instructor Hilaria Thomas.

Daily News photographer Marcus Santos contends Baldwin assaulted him for no reason; the actor countercharges that Santos instigated the confrontation. On Wednesday, Baldwin told a national audience on Letterman he believed beating on a paparazzo was funny.

It doesn’t appear Baldwin was joking when he reverted to homophobic form by referring to the Daily News‘ Editor in Chief, Colin Myler, as a “faggot.”

Aside from the fact . . .

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Many Lies in Obama's "Dreams"

The Many Lies in Obama's "Dreams"

Most people don’t care how many angels can dance on the head of a pin since the question is pinheaded and the answer almost as incalculable as the number of lies in Barack Hussein Obama’s Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.

Obama’s “memoir,” first published in 1995 when the future president was all of 34 years of age and while he was still slaving away as a Chicago civil rights attorney, soared into the best-seller list after he addressed the 2004 Democrat Convention and rocketed following his election to the United States Senate in 2006 and began to make noises about running for the presidency.

Revised and re-issued in 2004 after those noises became thunderous and Obama came to believe his wild ambitions thanks to aid, encouragement, and financial support from mysterious, unidentified “friends,” Dreams became a publishing phenomenon and helped make Obama a millionaire “one-percenter.”

Barack Obama’s childhood dream of leading the Free World his Marxist father so detested was on the near horizon; America’s Left and America’s book-sellers welcomed him with open arms, open wallets, and open adulation.

Gushing acclaim followed. The book was variously praised as “extraordinary,” “daring,” “evocative,” “honest,” “lyrical,” and “candid” and was dutifully awarded a place on Time magazine’s list of the top 100 English non-fiction books written since 1923.

Heady accolades, indeed!

The chief problem with Dreams from My Father is that the book is largely fiction in the guise of a memoir. Overflowing with lies and misrepresentations, Dreams went unvetted by the mainstream media most of whom obviously never read it before virtually proclaiming it the greatest autobiography penned since Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in A.D. 1440.

Why vet a book when you don’t bother to vet its alleged author?

Dreams from My Father has evolved into a transparent nightmare for our misbegotten president as his prevarications have become public knowledge.

LIE NUMBER ONE. First came the suspicions of people who did read Dreams and noticed distinct stylistic and ideological similarities with the writings and thinking of the confessed, unrepentant domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers.

To this day, Obama contends he barely knew Ayers, who lived in his neighborhood and with whom he served on the 9-member Woods Fund of Chicago and whose family reputedly financed his Harvard Law School education.

When Google recognized Ayers as the ghost writer of Dreams and Ayers confirmed writing the book last year, the matter of the authorship of the “autobiography” should have been closed.

It wasn’t. Obama’s acolytes wouldn’t allow their hero to be tarred with truth no matter how extensive that truth.

LIE NUMBER TWO. As with many African-Americans, including semi-African-Americans, the young, mixed-race Barack evidently preferred dating white girls.

In Dreams, Ayers wrote of Obama’s “New York girlfriend,” another mystery, “Genevieve Cook,” who never existed as an individual, yet he was able to clearly describe her looks, voice, and mannerisms.

David Maraniss’ recently-published biography, Barack Obama: The Story, has been characterized by the Huffington Post as questioning “the accuracy of the president’s memoir.” In fact, Maraniss did nothing of the sort. He didn’t question the accuracy of Dreams. More precisely, he. . .

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Homosexual Censorship

Homosexual Censorship

“I’m good enough. I’m smart enough. And doggone it, people like me.” Al Franken’s effeminate Stuart Smalley character repeatedly recited that line on ”Saturday Night Live” as a daily affirmation, trying to convince himself of his worth as a human being.

“I’m good enough. I’m smart enough. And doggone it, people like me” could serve as the mantra of the gay pride movement which is equally insecure and unsure of their worth yet determined to prove to itself and to the straight world that homosexuals are good, smart, likable people who just happen to vary just a tad from the norm.

Goodness is very much a value judgment and intelligence can easily be determined via IQ tests but whether all gays are liked by all people is doubtful. It’s difficult to like anyone who foists his or her beliefs on others, who demand their lifestyle be approved and accepted by everyone and, especially, when they engage in vicious tactics in order to muzzle those who disagree with them.

For seventeen years, MassResistance ( has tirelessly campaigned on behalf of the American family, traditional values, and the normal concept of marriage.

Those goals pitted them against gays who take advantage of the Massachusetts legal and public education systems to disseminate homosexual propaganda and recruit young people to the sick homosexual lifestyle.

Labeled an anti-gay “Active U.S. Hate Group” by the extreme leftist Southern Poverty Law Center, a badge of honor, Mass Resistance has had an uphill battle in the most liberal state in the union as it tries to keep tabs on what the Bay State’s large homosexual contingent is up to and how their activities affect the vast majority of citizens.

None of what gays are up to is very “likable” to conservatives although Massachusetts’ gay-friendly governor, courts and public schools seem to love whatever they do and say.

Not content with complaining about Mass Resistance, convicted homosexual child molester and registered sex offender Adam Flanders . . .

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Obama's One-Sided Race War, Part Two

Obama's One-Sided Race War, Part Two

(Part One,, dealt mainly with President Barack Hussein Obama’s and Attorney General Eric Holder’s efforts to wage a race war in America. Part Two focuses on the latest instance of race-baiting in that war.)

Whether Donald Trump is correct in speculating that President Obama cut a deal with his buddies in Saudi Arabia to pump more crude in order to keep gas prices down in the US until Election Day, whether it’s true that Israel will soon launch a pre-emptive attack on Iran, or whether Lindsay Lohan will be dead from an overdose before her 27th birthday are inconsequential worries as contrasted with the reality that America is engaged in a race war.

That war in progress would make all other concerns irrelevant. More evidence of that war between blacks and whites emerged in the White House Rose Garden last Friday.

Last week, Obama proved once again that he would brook no opposition to his autocratic rule. His overreaction to questions was immediately followed by a slew of Obamians on cue charging that Neil Munro’s alleged interruption of the president’s scheme to override the Constitution was predicated on white racism.

We all know that constantly stirring the racist pot is an absolute necessity in order to win a race war.

A cacophony of voices quickly emanated from the mainstream media and from congressional African-Americans in reaction to the temerity of’s White House correspondent Munro asking, “Mr. President, why do you favor foreign workers over Americans?”

Munro reasonably felt a president should respond to a few queries after unilaterally reversing long-standing federal policy on immigration, an extremely controversial and possibly illegal decision designed to bolster Obama’s support among Latinos. . .

Monday, June 18, 2012

Obama's One-Sided Race War, Part One

Obama's One-Sided Race War, Part One

“We know your origin in the world. We know how long you were set to live. And unless you change, your end has come.” (Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan)

“You want freedom? You’re gonna have to kill some crackers! You’re gonna have to kill some of their babies!” (New Black Panther Party Minister King Shamir Ahabaz)

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” (Candidate Barack Hussein Obama)

In America’s racially-charged society, anyone with half a brain could have guessed in 2008 that any criticism of semi-black President Barack Hussein Obama would be met with allegations of racism–and anyone with a complete brain would have been positive of that eventuality.

Many of us also anticipated that Obama would instigate racial dissension in the United States aimed at achieving his Saul Alinsky-ite goals of destroying this nation.

None of us have been disappointed in our expectations, the upshot of which is an ongoing, one-sided race war, a war which most white people refuse to acknowledge exists either because they prefer to ignore reality or because they are ignorant of the consequences of a majority population trying to survive under the yoke of a militant minority bent on violence.

I know how those views will be received–as the rantings of a confirmed bigot intent on disparaging African-Americans, as vicious invective from someone dedicated to stirring up racial division, as the wild accusations of a white supremacist who harbors a deep animosity toward blacks, none of which are true.

Please read on.

Last Friday’s Rose Garden confrontation between the president and an inquisitive reporter served not only to infuriate the commander-in-chief but to ignite new battles in America’s race war. I’m fully aware we’re not supposed to say things like that, talk about race wars; they strike uncomfortably close to denied truth and are extremely politically incorrect.

On the other hand, it’s acceptable nowadays for black race baiters to make far more incendiary pronouncements, as when Farrakhan threatened the extinction of the white race and the New Black Panther Party issued a call to arms and murder.

Something, many things, are amok in America.

From the outset of his administration, despite his public declarations of the dawning of a new era of racial harmony, President Obama embarked on a concerted effort to divide Americans along class, cultural, and racial lines. November 6th, 2012 will determine the political effectiveness of his class and cultural wars; the race war is already in progress. . .


Friday, June 15, 2012

Unfortunate Updates on Civility, Homosexuality, and Education

Unfortunate Updates on Civility, Homosexuality, and Education

The following are selected updates on the sad states of civility, homosexuality, and education in America:

CIVILITY. Last year, when President Barack Hussein Obama issued his plea for greater civility in America in the wake of the Tucson shootings, there was a naive hope that liberals–to whom civility is a foreign concept–would heed his impassioned request.

That was not to be, as amply illustrated over the past year by such foul-mouthed reprobates as Bill Maher, Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews, and their ilk.

Now, it’s been revealed that HBO still harbors such an irrational, uncivil hatred toward a former president of the United States that it featured George W. Bush’s head impaled on a stake in “Game of Thrones.”

Said an HBO writer, banking on the usual liberal contempt for American intelligence, “It’s not a choice, not a political statement!” Yet, when caught in its political viciousness, HBO apologized profusely. (

Liberal darling, Joy Behar, never apologizes for anything, least of all when she engages in one of her snarky attacks on conservatives. However, she out-Behared herself Tuesday when she erupted with a show of uncivilized contempt for Mitt Romney and his religion.

Newly chosen as a commentator on Al Gore’s un-watched Current TV, Behar sputtered in a Mediaite interview, ”I’d like to see his [Romney's] house burn, one of his millions of houses burning down,” adding, “Who’s he going to call, the Mormon fire patrol?”

Then, as if that remark didn’t adequately prove she weren’t a nasty bitch, in her usual classy fashion and in a desperate quest for an audience, Behar hurled a challenge to conservatives to come on her show, “If they have the balls.” 

Aside from the fact her gracious invite would exclude dozens of beautiful, conservative women like Sarah Palin, S.E. Culp, Michelle Malkin, et al., her remarks were just a tad extreme even for Joyless Bahar.

HOMOSEXUALITY. Gay people generally seem like joyless people, stuck as they are between normality and abnormality and unable to establish a viable connection with the former.

James Clementi, the gay brother of gay teen Tyler Clementi who leaped off the George Washington Bridge after he was videotaped at Rutgers University engaging in flagrante delicto activities with a homosexual paramour, thinks society failed Tyler.

In a whining critique of bullies and bullying on, Clementi conceded he himself went along with bullying in order to get along but nevertheless concluded, “The responsibility is on each of us to make it clear that bullying is not acceptable in our schools, our workplaces, our homes, or anywhere else that human beings might find themselves.”

Nice lecture but had James Clementi practiced what he now preaches, Tyler might still be alive.

Over a decade ago, the Supreme Court decided the Boy Scouts of America acted within their First Amendment constitutional right when they restricted membership as scouts or scout leaders to people who abided by the BSA moral code. That code meant that openly-homosexual individuals were not permitted to join in any capacity.

A 20 year old (?) Eagle Scout with two lesbian mothers, Zach Wahls, . . .


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Europe on Obama

Europe on Obama

A recent post here may require a modicum of revision. Or, may not.

In “Signs of the End of Obama’s Reign?” I posited the view that the disintegration of the president’s support among two prime constituencies could foreshadow his defeat in November.

Based on international opinion, my observation may have been somewhat premature, presuming Americans should give a damn about what envious and crumbling nations think about us.

It’s incontrovertible that President Barack Hussein Obama has lost significant support among black and Jewish communities but he still maintains a (now-qualified) backing of many foreigners.

Most of the world still seems enamored of America’s first semi-black commander in chief, although a distinct patina of disillusionment now clouds his reputation and legacy.

In Germany especially but also in many other countries, Obama has lost the giddy popularity that helped fill stadiums and the airwaves in 2008 with visions of hope, change, and animosity toward Bush43 dancing in European heads.

However, a recent Pew survey of 26,000 people in 21 countries found that approval of Obama’s policies had fallen markedly, that “Overall confidence in Obama and attitudes toward the US have slipped modestly . . . [and] some of the greatest slippage has occurred in Germany.”

Der Spiegel reports that Germans mostly object to Obama’s “unilateralism; his use of force, particularly drone strikes; his inaction with regard to the Israeli-Palestinian situation and his lack of effort in curbing climate change.”

Yet, inexplicably despite those misgivings, 87% of Germans “still have overwhelming confidence in Obama’s overall international leadership. . . And nine out of 10 Germans want to see Obama re-elected.”

That’s the equivalent of believing the guy is a failure but we like him so re-elect him, anyway.

On the flip side, barely half of Germans favorably regard the US, down from 64% since 2009, with Teutonic elders in the forefront of the disapproving. In addition, most Germans and other nationalities perceive China, not America, as the planet’s pre-eminent “economic power.”

Only bankrupt Greece has a lower opinion of us.

So, what conclusions should we draw from all that news and all those percentages?

First of all, Obamians should not be too discouraged because “Obama Girl,” the hottie . . .

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Signs of the End of Obama's Reign?

Signs of the End of Obama's Reign?

It may be an exercise in wishful thinking, but there are clear indications that Emperor Barack Hussein Obama’s assaults on the Constitution, his wars against the wealthy and middle class, against religion, against women, against prosperity, against Israel are all taking their toll and his despotic rule may be coming to an end.

In about 146 days, to be precise.

The very welcome signs are not just the obvious ones.

Continued economic stagnation, persistently high unemployment, widespread dismay over a raft of broken promises, and public disgust over admistration scandals and the president’s gaffes, lies, vacations, and golf games certainly will play a major part in Obama’s defeat on November 6th.

However, it is the erosion of his political base that must be giving David Axelrod and Company the hebejebes, if not chronic diarrhea, and causing similar reactions for Empress Michelle. She has to be wondering who will pay for her future extravagances and whether she will remain proud of her country should her hubby lose.

Thanks to the president’s sudden evolution on same-sex marriage and his dubious success in repealing the military’s DADT policy, he still has a lock on the homosexual vote. So, too, will a large majority of Latinos, African-Americans, and Jews cast their ballots for Obama.

Blacks will again vote for him in droves primarily because he is “one of their own” and despite complaints he hasn’t done nearly enough for the black community over the past three and a half years. Latinos will again vote for him in the expectation that with more “flexibility” in a second term Obama will legalize undocumented aliens despite the fact he has failed them.

Jews will again vote for Obama mainly because they have almost always voted for Democrats and despite his well-known antagonism toward the state of Israel and its president, Benjamin Netanyahu.

However, the electoral devil is in the ethnic details.

Obama garnered an unprecedented 93% of black votes in 2008 and, assuredly, most African-Americans will follow suit in 2012 but, based on North Carolina and Spike Lee, he won’t enjoy comparable numbers this year.

According to the authoritative, the “Democrat-leaning” Public Policy Polling has found that Republican Mitt Romney would get 20% of the African-American vote and Barack Obama 76%.

That’s a comfortable margin for the president until one considers that in 2008 he won with 95% of the N.C. tally and Romney is now beating Obama 48% to 46% in the state. (

If those figures don’t cause Axelrod to head for the Kaopectate, Spike Lee’s doubts on the re-election results should. . .

Monday, June 11, 2012

Is Jerry Sandusky Guilty?

Is Jerry Sandusky Guilty?

The homosexual child sex abuse trial of former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky began on Monday and it promises to be a three-week circus as the lurid details of the allegations and witnesses against him emerge.

If true, aside from the legalities of the charges against him, they represent a gravely serious betrayal of the university that employed him for 30 years, an ungrateful betrayal of the school’s legendary head football coach, Joe Paterno, and, possibly his worst crime, the cynical betrayal of hundreds of fatherless children–mostly boys–who had sought hope and a father figure in Sandusky and his foundation, The Second Mile, and instead found perversion.

The 68 year old Sandusky is charged with 52 counts of engaging in illicit sexual activities with at least ten young boys over the course of 15 years and could spend the rest of his life in prison if convicted on all counts.

From a layman’s vantage point, considering the evidence against the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame member and Sandusky’s own statements made since the indictment, the possibility of his being completely exonerated would seem slim to none, but that’s why he has lawyers.

Originally charged in November 2011 with 40 counts of deviate behavior with boys aged ten to twelve, prosecutors upped the ante to 52 the next month after more alleged victims came forward.

No doubt, some or many of the victims are interested in monetary gains as a result of their ordeals, which is entirely understandable. However, his attorneys’ contention that all of them are sufficiently motivated by dollar signs to perjure themselves, defame an innocent man, and condemn Sandusky to spend his remaining days behind bars is entirely preposterous.

Furthermore, whether he decides to take the stand in his defense is irrelevant: He has virtually confessed to being a serial child predator. Jerry Sandusky’s telephone interview with Bob Costas last November sealed his fate.

In that infamous chat, incredibly conducted with the coach’s lawyer present, Sandusky declared his innocence, . . .

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Teaching and Teachers Gone Wild, a Series in Progress

Teaching and Teachers Gone Wild, a Series in Progress

I can’t exactly say I had teachers as much as I had commandants in my formative years; I was taught by Sisters of Charity nuns who, too often, were less concerned with charity and teaching than with disciplining rambunctious male students.

Still, thanks to the good nuns’ rigidity and penchant for incessant drilling and memorization, I feel I received a better education than kids who attended South Bronx public schools–an education devoid of left-wing teachers and liberal propaganda.

Back then, the early and mid-1950s, the NYC public school system was noted for excellence–and also for a marked liberality with regard to student behavior and instruction, a liberality my Irish parents abhorred and, so, I was consigned to the local Catholic school.

Things have radically and negatively changed in both parochial and public schools over the last 50 years. Although those changes have infected Catholic education, they are most pronounced in the public sphere.

Aside from the National Education Association and teacher unions, few would contest that America’s public educational system is in a sorry pickle.

We manage to produce a number of excellent students who outshine kids in other areas of the world, but they’re relative rarities.

The United States spends more on education than the rest of the planet combined yet a recent analysis showed we rank 29th in problem solving, 28th in math, and 22nd in science among 41 industrialized nations and some areas where the abacus was in use not very long ago out-performed American students.

For the most part, American schools are turning out semi-literate graduates who excel in unfounded self esteem but who can barely read or count.

(See “You’re Not Special,”, for details on one high school commencement speaker who told students where to go with their hyperinflated self-esteem.)

Our students may not be special but they have learned a great deal in certain fields which won’t help them much as adults or in their worklives, except perhaps in their bedrooms or should they work for lecherous employers.

Many have learned a great deal in their sex education classes and from predatory male and female teachers who practice a hands-on approach–pun intended–to instruction, but little else.

Some public schools throughout the country have become hotbeds–another intended pun–for seductions by gay and straight pedophiles posing as professional educators. Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s New York City is the clear leader of the perv pack but by no means owns exclusive claim to that dubious title.

In at least one instance, black male students vied for the opportunity to bed–in black jargon, “get with”–a 26 year old white, female, now-former Global Studies teacher.

Preface to the latter occurred outside Manhattan Theater Lab High School in NYC and, although there is no substantive proof that student Eric Arty scored with teacher Julie Warning, Arty did win a $500 bet with his buddies that he could “get with” Ms. Warning first. . . .

A Day in the Life of the Drudge Report

A Day in the Life of the Drudge Report

(Non-disclaimer: I have no affiliation and have never had any contact with anyone associated with the Drudge Report–and I damned well haven’t been paid for what follows.)

Matt Drudge began the internet Drudge Report in 1996 and over the ensuing sixteen years has published both original articles and news items from a wide variety of sources, mostly stories which the MSM either ignores or downplays because, well, because they’re the mainstream media.

Drudge first gained widespread notoriety in 1998 by going where Newsweek and other mainstreamers dared not go, publicizing the sleazy details of the Monica Lewinsky–Bill Clinton sexcapades in the White House. Since then, Drudge has posted links to hundreds of stories that rattle liberal cages almost as much as Rush Limbaugh does.

Today, many conservatives regularly visit the Drudge Report to keep up on the news the public is not supposed to know about, information considered by the MSM as damaging to their liberal darlings, and some off-the-wall pieces rivaling The Onion, the difference being they are real.

Liberals probably drop by as often, although they’d never admit it, in order to check out the lies they’ve been caught in and news they had hoped would never be reported.

For those unfamiliar with what the Drudge Report reports, a brief sampling from late Saturday, June 9, 2012:

“Obama girl won’t endorse Obama.”

Amber Lee Ettinger, who strutted her stuff for candidate Obama in 2008, won’t even say if she will support or vote for President Barack Hussein Obama in 2012. See the story and Ms. Ettinger strut and sing her faded idolatry here:

Apparently, even idols tend to lose their luster after they lose their credibility.


Saturday, June 9, 2012

"You're Not Special!"

"You're Not Special!"

America’s failing public schools are in disarray for a variety of reasons, from the NEA to local teacher unions to cell phones to television to parental and student apathy–to the promotion of self-esteem as the essence of education.

Delivering the Wellesley High School commencement speech, David McCullough Jr., Wellesley High English teacher, punctured rather than punctuated his students’ grossly-inflated sense of self which often comes at the extravagant expense of learning.

Skipping the customary platitudinous remarks at commencements, those oft-undeserved plaudits for achievement, the vacuous entreaties to get out there and conquer the planet and strive to accomplish all that you can be, those trite speeches that inspire more yawns than inspiration, McCullouch quickly cut to the quick with a forthright wake-up message to students: ”You’re not special. You’re not exceptional.”

Whether the upscale Wellesley kids appreciated the putdown, which may have burst hundreds of upscale adolescent bubbles, their parents and other attendees at the commencement clearly did love it and they reacted with spontaneous applause and guffaws at the articulation of commonly-held, frequently-disguised educational truths.

Far more than their teachers, honest parents realize their kids had been pumped up with unmerited praise by educators for four years.

Honest parents know some of their cherubs have been praised for simply ”trying,” praised for not bullying “different” peers who were weird, praised for achieving a “B” in Global History because a realistic grade of “C” or “D” would deflate their kidlets’ resumes and tender egos, and be totally undemocratic and inequitable to lazy clods, etc.

Complemented by bizarre awards in and out of school for “participation,” not for winning in sports and other activities since now besting an opponent is not only deemed unfair but un-American, kids today deserved to be brought down a peg or two if they expected to compete in the real world. . .

Thursday, June 7, 2012

On Wisconsin! On America!

On Wisconsin!  On America!

The debacle of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s recall, an exercise in futility and political partisanship, may be over but, as predicted here, by a million other blogsites, and on Fox News, the liberal, literal, weeping and gnashing of teeth have just begun.

In the aftermath of conservative Republican Walker soundly trouncing liberal Democrat Tom Barrett on Tuesday, thereby proving that intelligent voters realize that the Wisconsin is in dire economic straits, liberal Dems have erupted with a cascade of phony charges and threats.

Hurling unsubstantiated allegations that the GOP stole the election, that dastardy rich outsiders unduly influenced the electorate, that union members were bought, that money and not a deep-rooted sense of fiscal responsibility determined Tuesday’s outcome, Big Labor and its civil service lackeys resorted to every possible ploy to defeat Walker.

And they failed.

After shamelessly undermining the democratic process by lodging every slander short of alleging that Walker had fathered a Jesse Jackson-John Edwards-type love child, the Left was united in condemning the closely-monitored election as a fraud.

And they failed.

Wait, they did try that love child canard and it, too, flopped.

Liberals in the Badger State and in Obama’s mass media reacted to the taxpayer repudiation not by graciously accepting defeat but with an amazing display of sour grapes and continued defamation.

In two exceptional examples of disturbed hyperbole, foul-mouth leftist Ed Schultz on Obama’s MSNBC actually predicted Walker could face a criminal indictment “in the next several days” and at least one tearful Barrett supporter called Walker’s win “the end of democracy” and moaned, “democracy died tonight” on CNN.

Democracy hardly died Tuesday . . .

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Liberal War Against the Littleist Women

The Liberal War Against the Littleist Women

In their desperate attempts to distract voters from Barack Hussein Obama’s 3 1/2 year record of abysmal failure, the president, his mainstream media, and Obama’s administration minions have resorted to every outlandish slander conceivable.

Among other lies, they have falsely claimed that Mitt Romney mistreated his dog Seamus, that Ann Romney “never worked a day in her life,” and that Republicans hate women.

As with their other pathetic strategies, all the shameless Democrat attacks have fallen flat, especially the canard that the GOP is engaged in a war against the fair sex.

Liberals seem to love wars, as evidenced by their wars against religion, against “the rich,” against anyone and anything that displeases them.

Disregarding an epidemic of attacks on women by libs, the Left focuses on conservatives such as Rush Limbaugh and on specious allegations that congressional Republicans are “out to get” women.

Liberals ignore the incessant abuse of Sarah Palin, forgive Bill Maher for referring to Palin and other conservative women as c*nts, overlook Ed Schultz’ denigration of Laura Ingraham as “a right wing slut,” and excuse Keith Olbermann for saying S. E. Cupp should have been aborted.

The Left chooses to grant their resident misogynists a pass and instead have honed in on Limbaugh’s apt, if unfortunate, observation that Sandra Fluke is a slut.

There is indeed a war in progress against women, a war being waged by liberal Democrats and they’re taking no prisoners. In fact, libs are literally executing the most vulnerable and innocent females in American society, future women, the pre-born variety.

The Left regards abortion, what Ann Coulter called a liberal sacrament, as sacrosanct. They also have long endorsed, subsidized, and protected the nation’s most prolific abortionist, Planned Parenthood of America.

Apparently, killing pre-born girls (and boys) is perfectly acceptable to liberals, just as long as we protect the mysterious constitutional “right to privacy” of mothers-to-be and their unwritten right to choose if they want to give birth to girl babies as opposed to boy babies.

Whether potential moms opt for baby blue eyes over brown for their progeny or for no progeny at all, seems to be fine with the Left and for PPoA.

Neither vivid exposés of PPoA’s illegal activities–such as facilitating pimps when they want to abort the babies of their underaged prostitutes–nor Planned Parenthood’s exorbitant profits derived from murdering the pre-born, nor PPoA’s concerted efforts to seduce teenagers into accepting the normality of homosexual relations and promiscuity have deterred the Left from championing the efforts by PPoA to honor their sacrament.

Since the liberal MSM shows no interest in exposing what PPoA really does, it falls to independent sources to out the organization. . .

Monday, June 4, 2012

Scott Walker's Recall, a Battle for Sanity

Scott Walker's Recall, a Battle for Sanity

Tuesday, June 5th might be the day that determines the future of the state of Wisconsin and offers a glimpse of America’s future post-November 6th.

The results of the misbegotten, hugely expensive, recall election of the Badger State’s duly elected Republican governor at the instigation of Big Labor and civil service unions will effectively serve as a barometer of nationwide voter sentiment on economic realities, despite Democrat efforts to play down the significance of the outcome.

At this late stage, with conservative Scott Walker leading liberal Tom Barrett by as many as eight percentage points in various polls, it appears Walker will still be the governor after the dust settles and the ballots are honestly counted. Democrats are notorious for minimizing the importance of contests they think they will lose, a habit perfectly illustrated by their president’s failure to support their candidate or even visit Wisconsin in the closing days of the election.

The state’s Republican Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch nailed the truth of the significance of a probable Walker victory: “How can they [Obama's Democrat Party] possibly spin this? There is no consolation prize here. It’s clear–the path to prosperity is paved with fiscal responsibility. And everyone shares in prosperity.”

The supreme irony in the unprecedented recall attempt is that Walker was elected primaily on his pledge to return his state to fiscal sanity after years of Democrat reckless spending. To the chagrin of Democrats and their union supporters, Walker has largely fulfilled that pledge and they despise him for his achievement.

The Wisconsin recall has been described as “the battle of our times,” which it is and isn’t.

It is undoubtedly a battle.

Last spring, the nation witnessed the disgraceful lengths to which Walker’s opponents would go in that battle when teachers abandoned their classrooms in order to trash the Capitol building in Madison, slander and threaten the governor and his family, employing tactics more befitting Third Worlders than Americans.

Complementing those mindless displays, Democrat legislators literally ran away from their legislative responsibilities in Madison and state troopers had to be sent to round them up.

For the second time in two years, this election pits . . .

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Why Not Legalize Pot?

Why Not Legalize Pot?

On November 6th, the quasi-libertarian state of Colorado may legalize recreational use of pot–i.e., smoking, eating, or otherwise ingesting pot for other than medical reasons.

Whether the ballot initiative helps our formerly-pothead president win the Rocky Mountain State by drawing fellow potheads to the polls is conjectural but the consequences of its passage are not.

A Reuters story, “Marijuana Initiative Could Make Or Break Obama In Colorado,” suggests the turnout of those who don’t usually vote, groups identified by a pro-pot advocate as “young people, people of color, [and] disenfranchised communities,” could put Colorado’s nine electoral votes in President Barack Hussein Obama’s pocket in a close election and put him back in the White House for four more years.

While making a case for the Obama upside, Reuters fails to fully clarify the political downside for the president: Mitt Romney benefitting from a voter backlash against the prospect of the state officially granting permission to its residents to get high on cannabis.

Reuters also pays little heed to the societal downside.

Although Colorado rejected a proposal to legalize recreational weed six years ago, along with seventeen other states and the District of Columbia, Coloradans already have laws allowing the medical use of marijuana.

Reuters pointed out that the “Mile High City” of Denver sports no less than 400 medical marijuana dispensaries to serve the drug to 600,000 residents–25 more outlets than there are Starbucks in the entire state–and that “one in every 41 residents is a registered medical marijuana patient.”

If Reuters’ estimate is correct, 8,400 people or 2.4% of everyone in Denver County needs regular tokes to relieve symptoms of their ailments. Extrapolated to the nation, those numbers translate into about 4,400,000 Americans sharing that dire need.

That’s a whole lot of pot smoke.

Indeed, considering our permissive society . . .

Friday, June 1, 2012

Bullying Is Sometimes Okay

Bullying Is Sometimes Okay

Since it is a newly-created offense against humanity, ”bullying” is difficult to define although usually interpreted as any persistent physical, verbal, or emotional intimidation committed by a person or group against a target perceived to be weaker and more vulnerable.

Like another politically-correct invention, “hate crime,” bullying only applies to selected victims.

Legally, your boss can bully you all he wants since he’s your boss and parents can bully their kids to their hearts’ content since most often they are disciplining them.

Of course, if you happen to be a minority of any stripe–racial, religious, or sexual–you can always allege unwarranted bullying and sue for damages. So, too, can a designated majority, women, claim unfair intimidation. Usually.

Should you not fit comfortably in any of those protected categories, you’re pretty much SOL.

Tanya Dixon-Neely, a black teacher at North Carolina’s North Rowan High School, discovered there are limits to her freedom to bully her white students.

The limitations became apparent after 17 year old Hunter Rogers went public with a video of Ms. Dixon-Neely’s classroom rant in defense of Barack Hussein Obama and her attempt to stifle Rogers’ opinions on Mitt Romney.

Evidently, ignorant of epithets hurled at George W. Bush for eight years and the truth about Obama, her groundless threats that Rogers could be arrested for speaking ill of the president, (“Do you realize that people were arrested for saying things bad about Bush?”), were absolute lies as was her denial that her hero bullied a little girl in Hawaii who had darker skin than he had.

Dixon-Neely was suspended–with pay–but only her ultra-partisan political bullying hit the fan. See details of her assault on a student’s First Amendment rights here

Certain governmental bullying is acceptable, however.

For example, when America’s Attorney General intimidated University of Arkansas at Fort Smith into permiting a transgendered, 38 year old anatomical male to use female potty facilities, it was just fine.

Objections from the young ladies at UAFS went for naught as did the university’s reasonable alternative of allowing “Jennifer” Braly to use “gender neutral” bathrooms after Braly complained to Eric Holder’s Justice Department.

As Braly said, “I am frustrated and highly depressed about all of these unfair restrictions. I live as a woman full time and have been for a year and a half now. I have natural breast development bigger than some normal girls from the hormone treatment. The only thing restricting me is what’s between my legs. Everyone is so concerned with what’s between my legs. I am just as much woman as anyone else.” (

We certainly wouldn’t want Ms/Mister Braly to feel uncomfortable. Personally, I haven’t seen what’s between Braly’s legs nor do I care to but his reference to “normal girls” says a great deal about his normality.

Our DoJ clearly bullied UAFS and the school’s co-eds all in the name of PC. Hopefully, after those co-eds have a sit down next to “Jennifer” Braly’s legs, they . . .




Most Americans have been shocked at one time or another. I still recall having my brains scrambled when I was a pre-teen and made the mistake of touching the stove and an ungrounded steam iron at the same time, but that was a different kind of shock.

Our elders were shocked by the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. We all were shaken by the events in New York City and Washington, D.C. on September 11th, 2001.

In between, we experienced all types of minor and major emotional upheavals although not with the regularity with which they have occurred recently.

That is, if we even recognize them as shocking anymore since Americans seem to have become inured to shocks because of their frequency.

True, one man’s startling events are routine to others.

The Time cover of a young mother nursing her four year old and another picture of two uniformed, military moms nursing their infants in public struck many as shockingly inappropriate even though nursing is a completely natural function. Incidents of cannibalism in Florida and Maryland are totally unnatural and all but universally considered shocking.

Happenings causing reactions of revulsion and utter disbelief are regarded by some others as things that come with the human territory, simplistically acceptable because “they are what they are.”

For example, abortion has become so common, so ordinary, it is widely accepted since the mother or a relative or someone they know has aborted a pre-born baby. In fact, with over 50,000,000 abortions committed in the United States since 1973, the “procedure” has become almost commonplace and evokes little reaction from the majority of Americans and less attention from lawmakers.

Lack of concern for terminating an innocent, human life. . . 
