Sunday, February 28, 2010

Horses and Horses' Arses

Horses and Horses' Arses

It’s an eternal enigma with no satisfactory answer: Why did God create so many more horses’ arses than horses? It’s long posed an epistemological dilemma that may never be resolved since the conundrum is ongoing.

Cases in point:

Welcome to our America: Goshen College in Goshen, Indiana, a school affiliated with the Mennonite Church which preaches non-violence, has agreed for the first time in its 116 year old history to permit the playing of (an instrumental version of) the national anthem at some varsity sporting events.

That represents a sea change in Goshen policies and politics.

Pushed into lifting the anthem ban by negative publicity arising from a media awareness of the prohibition, Goshen President Jame Brennaman defended the new policy by saying, “Playing the anthem offers a welcoming gesture to many visiting our athletic events, rather than an immediate barrier to further opportunities for getting to know one another.”

Whatever that means.

In deference to the pacifist beliefs of the Mennonite Church, Brennaman graciously added, “Spectators would not be asked to ‘honor’ or ‘give allegiance’ but simply be invited to respectfully stand during the playing of the national anthem:”

The relevant question is why Goshen College took over a century . . .

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pepsi, Anyone?

Pepsi, Anyone?

Personally, I’ve never understood how anyone can classify rap crap “music” as music.

Whether “performed” by Eminem or Ludacris, to my unsophisticated ears, it more closely resembles a cacophony of foul, brutal, misogynistic lyrics amidst gross thumping sounds. Same goes for “rap dancing,” the chief function of which seems to be frenetic exercise through contortions.

Now a whole new–at least to me–form of dancing, step, “a historically black art form of rhythmic stepping and clapping,” has made the entertainment–and competition–scene and Coca-Cola/Sprite recently sponsored the first national “Sprite Step Off” contest.

Based on the controversy that erupted following last Saturday’s event in Atlanta, it may be the last national “Sprite Step Off” contest.

“A YouTube video of the winning performance by a group of white Zeta Tau Alphas from the University of Arkansas generated hundreds of comments, some of them inflammatory” so the people at Coke were in a quandary.

Do they stick to their guns and award the $100,000 in scholarships to the winning white sorority team or bow to the internet uproar protesting their success over black teams, or not?

Easy call, no? . . .


Conservative Boehner vs. Liberal Schumer

Conservative Boehner vs. Liberal Schumer

There are many characteristics and qualities that distinguish a liberal from a conservative. The most obvious, of course, is the fact that conservatives are almost always correct and liberals are invariably wrong.

That difference pales in significance when contrasted with conservative willingness to confront issues and people when they know they are right as opposed to the liberal’s pusillanimous inclination to avoid issues and run away when they know they are wrong.

We see that liberal tendency all the time in international relations and conflicts.

America witnessed a perfect example of that gutless defeatism in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s actions re: the Iraq War when he opposed it from the outset, then opposed George Bush’s surge, then denied that the surge turned the tide in that conflict.

After Thursday’s useless Health Care Summit at Blair House, a variation on that cowardly behavior involved Senator Charles “Call-Me-Upchuck” Schumer and Senator Tom Coburn.

It was bad enough when Schumer’s leader, . . .


Friday, February 26, 2010

Google This!

Google This!

“Barney Google,” the long popular comic strip, has been deceased for about 50 years or so. Some feel Google, Inc., the fabulously successful and wealthy internet search engine, should follow suit posthaste.

The reason? Strong rumors have long been afoot that Google is about as objective and unbiased as Wikipedia and regularly directs its millions of information-seekers in the direction it wants them seeking, often to politically correct, liberal-slanted search results.

Google was previously caught with its objectivity and algorithms down in searches dealing with Islam and Christianity.

When you typed in “Christianity is” on a Google search the first results included websites headed ”Christianity is bullsh*t . . . a lie” and “Christianity is absurd and stupid.” When you typed “Islam is,” the returns were historical and informational sites on that religion.

Whether Google was programmed to avoid negative references to the faith of 1.2 billion Muslims out of fear of retaliation, (remember Salman Rushdie?), is unclear but it sure seemed that way, but why would “Christianity seekers” first see derogatory websites pop up?

Also, anyone who employed Google for research on controversial subjects knows that Google recently was big into censorship of what it deemed “hate speech.” It would either re-direct the researcher to more PC websites or posted notices indicating that the sites turned up were biased.

Now Google is under renewed scrutiny in Europe. . .

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Arrogance Personified: "I Am the President!"

Arrogance Personified: “I Am the President!”

An Open Letter to the President of the United States

February 26, 2010

Dear Mr. President:

I’ve always felt that when you invite someone to your home that you extend more than the basic courtesies to your guests. You offer them a drink, pre-prandials, serve dinner and try to make them comfortable.

Granted, Thursday’s bi-partisan meeting on Obamacare, your Health Care Summit, was not a social event but you were hosting an official gathering of some significance and the most basic proprieties should have been extended to your invited guests.

I beg to inform you that you didn’t do that.

I may disagree with invitees to my home on one or both of those two topics never to be broached in mixed company, politics and religion, which happen to be my favorite topics, but I would never intentionally adopt to myself the role of dominant speaker nor dodge specific questions nor employ a haughty, dismissive tone.

I beg to inform you that you did all that as well.

Most importantly, . . .


The Exemplars of Obamacare

The Exemplars of Obamacare

When plotting radical changes, government should always have a model, a fallback positioning to which it can point and say, “See! That’s what we’re doing or trying to do.”

As the president sits down with friend and foe for his scheduled six hour tête-à-tête, his nationally-televised pitch for his version of Obamacare, some related news on those exemplars has been gurgling to the surface.

First came Canadian Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams who effectively said to Health Canada, that country’s socialized health care system, fuggedaboudit. I want some real health care, down south in that barbaric nation, the United States.

Williams’ heart condition health issue doesn’t even seem to be life-threatening. However, he flew to Miami for treatment because, as he confessed, “This was my heart, my choice and my health. I did not sign away my right to get the best possible health care for myself when I entered politics:”

Put less diplomatically, Danny was saying that Canada’s health care system was fine for the peons but as for him, he preferred good health care.

If Premier Williams had any class . . .


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

When Boiling a Frog, Start with Cold Water

When Boiling a Frog, Start with Cold Water

Few people, even Glenn Beck, would consider tossing a live frog into boiling water.

Even if you wanted to and even if frog legs taste like chicken, you really have to start with cold water so Freddy the Frog doesn’t catch on and make one giant leap for frog-kind and cause serious burns to the eviiler.

That brief lesson in proper frog-boiling procedure is also applicable to human beings. The homosexual community, the Gay Lobby, knows the technique well.

After years of inyerface promotion of the GLBTQ agenda, at least some elements of that community have achieved degrees of subtlety by taking advantage of friendly legislators, judges, and commissioners to get what they want.

Principally what they want is acceptance and what better place to start than with schoolchildren?

As Maine goes, so goes the nation is an old political truism. As it relates to homosexuals, it may become an American sociological truism in a few short years.

I’ve long suspected that there’s something in New England’s water which could help explain the goings-on up there in cold country over the past few decades.

The latest New England brainchild supports that notion. . . .


How To Blow Elections

How To Blow Elections

For a political party or for an individual, winning elections is usually a challenging task, an uphill battle–unless you’re the incumbent. On the other hand, losing elections is as easy as pie, as simple as not putting your heart and soul into the task of winning.

Just ask John McCain.

This coming November and two years after that Republicans have a rare opportunity to reclaim the House and Senate and, should they show they’re worth it, to win back the presidency in 2012.

It would be an almost unprecedented achievement, following two successive trouncings by the Democrats after which, just as in 1964 and 1976, they were declared over and done with, dead as a political party by many in the mainstream media.

At this point in time, the off-year election and the presidential election are the Republicans’ to lose given the widespread sentiment of anti-incumbency, the continuing collapse of Obama’s favorability numbers, and of his presidency, and given the overall dissatisfaction among the electorate with the state of the economy and the union.

Americans got more change than they bargained for with Barack Hussein Obama and are more than ready for a reversal.

Nevertheless, with minimal effort, Republicans are eminently capable of losing. . .


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Contemptible Quickies #7

Contemptible Quickies #7

There are crimes and then there are crimes, grave offenses against human law and natural law that are so disturbing they defy comprehension.

For example, driving drunk is a crime, a serious crime, but contrasted with the perverted abominations of Dr. Earl Bradley of Lewes, Delaware driving under the influence barely registers on the repugnant gravity meter.

In a 160 page indictment, . . .

Of Terlets, Compassion, and Hypocrisy

Of Terlets, Compassion, and Hypocrisy

You may say terlet and I may say toilet, and you may say coib and I say curb. They mean the same things, bathrooms and the edges of sidewalks.

Those words only become problematic when private entities decide that some people should use the coibs for terlets instead of their tidy, pristine, reserved-for-patrons-only facilities.

The whole issue poses sticky questions for America, private property, and compassion.

Some 25 years ago, my wife and I encountered a terlet/toilet problem in Manhattan, (N.Y.), with 3 kids in tow, ages 5 to 12-ish. Due to a malfunctioning GMC, now Government Motors Corporation, product we were temporarily marooned in the City that Never Sleeps and the kidlets desperately needed relief.

We discovered that city may not sleep but lots of places close their doors–and bathrooms. I eventually bribed a matre d’ to allow us to use his facilities.

Americans are very attuned to rights lately and give short shrift to duties–pun not intended–but there’s more than a compassion issue involved when it comes to the rights of citizens to utilize private, as in commercial interest, gratis potty facilities.

For governments to mandate such requirements could be a violation of the 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, and 10th amendments to our Constitution. To deny them could be a violation of one of the most fundamental rights of every human being, the right to eliminate in private.

This isn’t Paris, thank God, . . .


Monday, February 22, 2010

The Health Care Summit

The Health Care Summit

Is this the face of a man ready and willing to compromise on anything, no less on the one issue he needs and wants to establish his legacy, Obamacare?

On Thursday, America will be treated to an event unprecedented in our history, a televised extravaganza featuring the President of the United States and principals from both the Democrat and Republican parties all gathered together to hammer out an ostensibly bi-partisan compromise solution for the nation’s broken health care system.

Today, 3 days prior to what is being billed as a Health Care Summit, the president presented his promised version of Obamacare and posted it in its entirety on the White House website thereby finally fulfilling his pledge of the utmost transparency to enable Americans to read, review, and evaluate the details of his plan:

This is a very appropriate occasion for every man, woman, and child in the country to chant in unison the stirring words of “The Obama Song,” “Umm, umm, umm, Barack Hussein Obama, umm, umm, umm.”

Either that . . .


From the Good News Department . . .

From the Good News Department . . .

We tend to scrabble about for good news during trying times, and these are very trying times, so I’m delighted to share some of that good stuff for a change:

. Good News Item Numero Uno: Add this item to the many other signs that conscious Americans are finally waking up to our pretend president and his pretensions to the presidency: The Millennials are Jumping Ship!

I admit, not being a millennial, that I didn’t know the meaning of the word and discovered it refers to those Americans between 18 and 29. More importantly, a Pew survey shows they are abandoning Obama at a rapid clip.

That demographic joins many others just a year after Obamamania swept the planet, swept the Indie vote, and, of course, the Dem and Black votes. That last constituency is still firmly ensconced in Obama’s column but all the others are in various degrees of peril.

The Pew Research Center study “says that the Democrats’ advantage over Republicans with [the Millennials] has dramatically shrunk from a 32 point margin in 2008 to 14 points,” although the bulk of that Republican gain are “leaners.” Dems are still favored by Mils and the margins for Gen X-ers and Boomers are statistically insignificant:

All the numbers are a far cry from a year ago when Obamania was in full bloom.

As of now, should trends continue, the elections 9 months and 33 months from now may represent 1994 and 2000 reduxes, respectively–unless Republicans shoot themselves in their feet with internal dissension.

. Good News Item Numero Dos: “D.C. Archdiocese Ends Foster Care Program.” On its surface, that story would seem bad news for kids in need of foster care but surfaces are misleading. . .


Sunday, February 21, 2010

President ACORN's Memory Lapse

President ACORN’s Memory Lapse

The Looney Tune cartoon character Foghorn Leghorn’s favorite catch phrase, ”That’s a joke. . . I say, that’s a joke, son,” helped make him an amusing and endearing comic figure that the former Senator ACORN should consider emulating.

In case anyone has forgotten the identity of Senator ACORN, Van Helsing of has excavated from recent archives a brief video clip in which Senator Barack Hussein Obama proudly expounds on his close relationship with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, aka ACORN.

He accompanies it with a short clip in which President Barack Hussein Obama now claims in a flat out lie that he was never in bed with ACORN and only helped in its push for “Motor Voter” legislation:

Make no mistake, ACORN may have crawled back into the woodwork after being exposed as a fraud which facilitates prostitution and pedophilia and after finally being subjected to congressional scrutiny but it’s really tough to kill vermin.

They also still have President ACORN, the most influential political and financial supporter of their seditious organization, in their corner.

Van Helsing quotes from . . .


Updates: Amy Bishop and Goel Ratzon

Updates: Amy Bishop and Goel Ratzon
Pure coincidence?

The old jingle, “Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t” may become the theme song and the only defense of accused triple murderess, Amy Bishop.

Ten days ago she certainly felt like a nut when she offed 3 colleagues and wounded 3 others at the University of Alabama at Huntsville. She then calmly called her hubby, James Anderson, a police “person of interest,” for a ride home, and denied to police that anything had happened. She swore her victims were all alive and well.

Nice premeditated construction of an insanity defense there, Ms. Amy!

Her court-appointed attorney, Roy W. Miller, is claiming Brown, a neuroscientist, is a paranoid schizophrenic who was distraught over being denied tenure at second-rate UAH after earning her PhD at top-rated Harvard:

(See “Amy Bishop, Leftist Oddball,”, for other exploits of the Obama-loving Amy.)

I claim that despite Bishop’s bizarre behavior over the years she’s not much nuttier than anyone else who graduates Harvard and that utilizing a legal aid lawyer is her initial ploy to have her eventual guilty verdict overturned on the basis of inadequate representation.

Nice try, Amy!

More dirt has been oozing out of Goel Ratzon’s Israel.

I confess to treating the Ratzon matter far more lightly than it should have been treated in “Sex and the Multi-Married Israeli,”

On the surface, . . .


Friday, February 19, 2010

Elton John: Confession of a Gay Predator

Elton John: Confession of a Gay Predator
Why is it that some minority groups are permitted to take umbrage at supposed slights but that any of their retaliatory measures are denied to the majority?

New York’s Governor-by-accident David Patterson is one of the latest in a long line of African Americans to invoke the R-word when situations devoid of any racist intent lead friend and foe alike to lambaste their activities and their only defense is to cry, “Racism!”

It’s a tried and true tactic characteristic of those in the civil rights movement for as long as there has been a civil rights movement.

Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, even Martin Luther King, Jr. have pulled out the old race card for the purpose of deflecting attention away from themselves and onto whites for the purpose of stirring guilt in non-African Americans and to thereby gain a measure of victimhood with its concomitant freedom from responsibility and accountability.

That art of deflection and arousing guilt has been adopted by a new and powerful minority, those in the gay community, which helps enable them to get away with virtual murder.

Having established that they have been unjustly denied their rights for eons, they have gained the sympathies of large numbers of heterosexuals who seem willing now to over-compensate by allowing gays to do and say whatever they please, to do things and say things that just a generation ago would not have been tolerated from anyone.

Cases in point are the vicious attacks of gadabout gay Perez Hilton on anti-gay marriage Miss America, Carrie Prejean and “American Idol,” Adam Lambert’s outrageous, gay conduct at last year’s American Music Awards

Lambert attributed America’s disgust to the fact, “I am a gay male:”

Add to those the annual gay pride demonstrations in places such as Boston, San Francisco, New York and various other locales in which homosexuals strut their stuff, engage in exhibitionism, and seduce America’s vulnerable youth to their sick lifestyle.

Gays have misinterpreted a degree of acceptance for agreement to licentiousness and license.

The latest gay outrage comes in an article in the UK’s The Sun titled, “Elton: Jesus Was a Gay Lord.” . . .


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Amy Bishop, Leftist Oddball

Amy Bishop, Leftist Oddball

When the Boston Herald calls a committed leftist and Obama lover such as accused murderess Amy Bishop an “oddball” in a headline either it’s time to sit up and take notice or the Herald is being misquoted.

Actually, neither is the case. There’s still no need to pay much attention to that newspaper and “oddball” is no misquote, it’s just taken from the statement of a Bishop co-worker.

That same acquaintance, Sylvia Fluckiger, described Bishop as grinning when discussing a still-unsolved 1993 case involving a double pipe bomb mailed to the home of a Harvard M.D. with whom she was known to argue:

She’s not grinning anymore.

Ms. Bishop, a “research star,” who received mixed reviews from her students and who had been denied tenure, was beyond odd even before she allegedly murdered three colleagues and wounded three at the University of Alabama at Huntsville last Friday.

In addition to the current allegations of murder and the grinning episode, in 1986 she admitted to accidentally murdering her 18 year old brother but wasn’t charged.

That “incident” happened in liberal Braintree, Massachusetts and the case may now be re-opened.

Sixteen years later, in 2002 she assaulted another patron in an IHOP over a booster seat, punching the woman in the head while screaming, “I am Dr. Amy Bishop!” . . .


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bush Did it, Part 6

Bush Did It! Part 6

Sixth in a continuing series on former President George W. Bush and his responsibility for all of Obama’s gaffes, failures, and stupidity, for all the evils in the universe including tooth decay, hemorrhoids, and Iran, and for all that goes bump in the night.

Democrats are rattled! It’s true. It must be true since the New York Times says so and they always print all the news that fits, right?

The cause of this week’s rattlement is Senate Majority Leader Reid who bodaciously took it upon himself to whittle down a humongous, vote-buying jobs bill stuffed with pork down to an outrageous, vote-buying jobs bill stuffed with pork.

That’s Harry’s prerogative of course as the Senate’s head honcho but this is supposed to be one big, happy Democrat Party where all the elements and honchos, from Harry to Nancy Pelosi to the headiest honcho himself, Barack Hussein Obama, work together for the common good, no? Isn’t that why pols hold office?

In the widespread disarray permeating said party, it’s not working out that way.

The jobs bill miniaturization caught White House mouth Bobby Gibbs with his glibness down: . . .

Obama's Winter Fall from Grace: BARGAINING

Obama’s Winter Fall From Grace: BARGAINING

Third in a series on the collapse of the Obama presidency, its causes, and its effects on Barack Obama, effects comparable to the 5 stages of grief. Part One dealt with denial, Part Two with anger. Today:


In the 5 stages of Obama’s grief over his failed presidency, after denial and anger comes bargaining.

We bargain all the time.

The lover bargains with his beloved when she no longer wants to be his beloved. The workman bargains with his employer when he tries to wheedle more pay. The supplicant bargains with God, often on his death bed.

And the politician bargains when he compromises with his fellow politicians and bargains with the electorate when he campaigns for election.

In Obama’s case, he is bargaining out of desperation: A new Gallup poll shows the incumbent president in a statistical dead heat with . . . every Republican, i.e. against any generic Republican. Worse, Mr. Generic Rep leads Obama 45%-31% among American independents:

Those sad realities for Obama in and of themselves represent a sad commentary on the status of his presidency.

Compound them with doubts within his own party and things look even worse: “He says ‘I’m for clean coal,’ and then he says . . .


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Facing Realities on Abortion and Climate

Facing Realities on Abortion and Climate

Let’s face it, reality often sucks and fantasy can be far more comfortable. Then, too, there is some painful solace in reality and nothing but long range hurt in disturbed fantasies.

Two instances of diksturbed fantasies confronted by painful realities:

FANTASY: “If we want to reduce the number of abortions and unintended pregnancies, we need to work as a community to make sure we get quality, affordable health care services to as many women and men as possible.”

REALITIES: Spoken by a concerned citizen interested in reducing the number of abortions in America? Not quite, just the opposite. Those are the words of Leola Reis, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood of Georgia who is shocked, I tell you at Georgia billboards “using messages of fear and shame to target women of color:”

And what are those messages of fear and shame? In brief, they are messages advising women in the Peach Tree State of the truth that abortion kills pre-born lives and, yes, those messages target “women of color” and with good reason: They abort at triple the rate of white women.

And what is Planned Parenthood? Simply the organization that commits more abortions by far than any other abortionists in the country, makes billions doing it, and is subsidized by the American taxpayer.

What else is Planned Parenthood? They deny this but it was founded by Margaret Sanger, an early twentieth century eugenicist and predecessor of Hitler and Mengele who sought ”racial purification” of the white race by wiping out both men and women of color:

FANTASY: Planet Earth is warming.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Sex and the Multi-Married Israeli

Sex and the Multi-Married Israeli

Now that Valentine’s Day is over, the candy partially eaten, the flowers showing the first, telltale signs of wilting, it may be time to consider the plight of a guy who may have taken love to too many levels.

Israeli citizen Goel Ratzon, age 60, “was indicted Sunday on multiple charges including rape, sodomy, enslavement and sexual abuse within the family.”

His “family” consists of 21 wives, most of whom have Ratzon’s name and image tattooed somewhere on their bodies, and 49 offspring. All lived quietly in run-down Tel Aviv apartments and never disturbed the neighborhood dogs or the neighbors, none of whom reported him to the Mishteret Yisrael, the Israeli cops.

That says something about the Ratzon “family’s” Israeli neighbors although I’m not sure what.

The story about this cult leader doesn’t give the ages of the women but does say they are all young and vulnerable and most came from broken homes.

Some regarded Ratzon as the messiah.

Moses? Maybe. The messiah? Not even close.

It all brings to mind an old joke about an elderly guy who marries some young thang. . . .


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Obama's Winter Fall from Grace: ANGER

Obama’s Winter Fall from Grace: ANGER

Second in a series on the collapse of the Obama presidency, its causes, and its effects on Barack Obama, effects comparable to the 5stages of grief. Part One dealt with denial. Today:


Our leader is said by his acolytes to be unflappable, (as well as brilliant, articulate, charming, handsome, gracious, etc. etc. etc.), yet he became clearly “flapped” with our banking system, our banks, their executives, and their bonuses.

He thereby betrayed a distinct capacity for flappability, aka anger, and its concomitant ugly counterpart, revenge, both an outgrowth of Obama’s realization of his failing presidency and his tendency to strike out in frustration.

Long ago I had a mini-dispute with a nun, Sister James, when I contended Jesus became angry with all the greedy Jewish moneylenders in the temple and proceeded to kick the bums out. She contended Jesus’ anger was righteous anger and therefore acceptable.

Sister James was a nice nun so I accepted that explanation for Jesus’ fury.

Even though some believe Barack Obama, the Obamassiah, represents the Second Coming, I don’t think his unmitigated fury with the 21st century moneylenders on Wall Street is either righteous or justified. It’s just petulant.

What’s the difference?

First of all, we have to consider motivation. Jesus Christ’s motivation was to rid the temple of those who were desecrating it with their moneygrubbing practices of usury. Barack Obama’s motivation goes to the issue of the collapse of his presidency and that aforementioned anger, need for revenge, and petulance.

One must remember that our president is unaccustomed to working a real job, unaccustomed to his new found publishing wealth, and unaccustomed to being crossed. And he’s being crossed left and right.

He’s gotten paychecks, of course, from the state of Illinois and the United States Treasury for . . .


May God Bless Dick Cheney!

May God Bless Dick Cheney!

Former VP Dick Cheney is in an enviable position nowadays.

Freed of the constraints of most politicians– the necessity of being politic in everything they say and do in order to not ruffle any feathers when they run for office again–Cheney is not and no doubt will not ever again seek political office and can say and do anything he damned well pleases.

And he does.

Cheney would probably be more circumspect if his Republican Party were in power in Washington but since it isn’t he has virtual carte blanche to speak his piece.

And he does, in spades.

Characterized by his detractors, who number in the tens of thousands or millions, as everything from an angry curmudgeon to a radical to Republican attack dog to literally insane, Cheney is none of the above. He’s simply a man, a committed patriot, a loving husband and father, and the biggest, most painful thorn in the arses of Democrats since Joe McCarthy.

At this stage of his life, the 69 year old Richard Bruce “Dick” Cheney has just about done it all and could be expected to kick back and just enjoy life at his Jackson, Wyoming or McLean, Virginia digs, but then he wouldn’t be Dick Cheney. . .


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Obama's Winter Fall from Grace: Denial

Obama’s Winter Fall From Grace: Denial

President Obama’s embrace by a majority of American voters last November is fast deteriorating into an unforgiving bearhug as Americans come to realize Obama is not what he appeared to be.

As his numbers continue their downward trajectory, the effect on the president seems to be a slow realization that his presidency is rapidly collapsing around his very pronounced ears, an effect tantamount to a grieving lover’s sense of loss. In his case, it’s a loss of his presidency.

Any collapse is an incremental thing, occurring in stages large and small but when it begins it’s rarely reversible.

A politician’s collapse–in popularity, credibility, even in the constructive exercise of power–also can be gauged by increments and news stories. In Obama’s case, repeated stories are beginning to reflect the five stages of his grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.


Despite the ears issue, Barack Obama is no Alfred E. Neuman of Mad Comics fame Neuman’s “What me? Worry?” mantra is more a “What worry?” with Obama. In other words, denial.

Coccooning, retreating into a state of uncooperativeness, is merely a variation on denial and no official news conferences in nearly 7 months is symptomatic of that denial.

He’s hiding.

Unlike Bill Clinton’s vapid declaration . . .


Then Again, Maybe Not: Of Rats and Ratholes

Then Again, Maybe Not: Of Rats and Ratholes

We’re all entitled to change our minds. Given the fallibility of the human species, rarely are people’s opinions and ideas so chiselled in stone that they never re-think their actions and beliefs.

Exceptions to that rule of thumb must be made for individuals who are so caught up in themselves, so arrogantly obsessed with their own rectitude and infallibility that their pride negates any possibility of reassessment and retrenching.

Barack Obama comes to mind in that regard but we mortals frequently change our minds, whether for better or worse.

A number of opinion changes have hit the wires lately, mostly forced changes:

. Civilian shimilian, who cares?

Obama’s attorney general may have at least a smattering of that mortality since he seems ready to reassess a significant and erroneous decision, namely trying 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his four sidekicks in a civilian court within crying distance of Ground Zero.

Some still refer to KSM as the “alleged” or the “accused” mastermind of the 9/11 atrocity but he’s much more than that. With a little help from America’s best interrogation friend, waterboarding, Mohammed spilled his guts so in my book he’s the confessed leader of that rat pack.

Months ago, Eric Holder, obviously running interference for his boss, made the ostensibly independent decision to hold the trial in federal court in lower Manhattan. This was while Obama and Holder still believed they had control of our government and the minds of the people.

Neither is the case any longer.

Holder and his minions have used the Bush precedent of successfully trying shoe bomber Richard Reid and other terrorists in civilian courts which was a misleading deception from the outset.

Most of those trials took place in the early days of the war on . . .


Friday, February 12, 2010

Bush Did it, Part 5

Fifth in a continuing series on former President George W. Bush and his responsibility for all of Obama’s gaffes, failures, and stupidity, for all the evils in the world including tooth decay, hemorrhoids, and Iran, and for all that goes bump in the night.

Ok, now here’s the scenario and it’s a bit convoluted and hard to follow–and swallow–but try to keep up.

Much of the country has been enduring a brutal winter with record-setting snowfalls in Washington, Baltimore, Chicago, and other cities and states–and it’s all the fault of George W. Bush. As always.

You see, Bush never really bought into this whole global warming baloney and did jacksquat to cripple what’s left of our industrial base and transfer gobs of American wealth to . . .
(Read the rest at

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Crouching America, Hidden Chinese Dragon, Part Two

Crouching America, Hidden Chinese Dragon, Part Two defines “crouch” as follows: intransitive verb 1 a : to lower the body stance especially by bending the legs b : to lie close to the ground with the legs bent 2 : to bend or bow servilely : cringe 3 : to stand at a low height transitive verb : to bow especially in humility or fear; bend

I posed a question at the end of Part One: “Is Obama’s crouching, bowing, and scraping to foreign leaders all part of our socialistic leader’s stated intent of wealth distribution not just to America’s needy but to the planet?”

Obviously, I don’t know the answer to that query. I can’t read the man’s mind, I can only judge him by his actions and words.

We do know, the world knows because we have witnessed it, that our president has an affinity for bowing to foreign leaders and potentates. Whether those actions merely reflect an innate humility–which is counterintuitive–or an abject sense of subservience–which is repugnant and unprecedented for an American president–is as yet unclear.

What we also know is that, despite his naïveté about the nuances of foreign relations, that Obama is a committed internationalist who implicitly trusts in the gentle graces of the most corrupt institution in the history of international bodies, the United Nations.

We know, too, that he inclines toward socialism and “sharing the wealth,” that wealth being the hard-earned wealth of Americans and America.

So, where do we go from here? . . .


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Charlatan Watch

Charlatan Watch

On a clear day you really can’t see forever but with a clear mind you can readily see through fakes, frauds, phonies, and charlatans.

. Charlatan #1: Barack Hussein Obama has to lead anyone’s charlatan list as well as any list featuring walking, talking exemplars of the Peter Principle in action. He is also testimony to the extreme fallibility of the American electorate.

His latest feat of trickery relates to his legacy issue which is DBA, Dead Before Arrival–Obamacare–which he refuses to let die the ignominious death it so sorely deserves.

His gambit this time is inviting Republicans to a televised discussion of the health care issue.

That discussion should begin with the GOP questions, Why the hell are we here, now, after months of ignoring us, closed door meetings, and outright bribery? Could it be, Mr. President, that now you need us and you’re desperate to get this Obamacare bomb signed into law before anyone gets to read it?

Obama said he wants to “look at the Republican ideas that are out there. . . If we can go, step by step, through a series of these issues and arrive at some agreements, then, procedurally, there’s no reason why we can’t do it a lot faster the process took last year:”

Any Republican who signs on to this farce deserves to be a Democrat.

Charlatan #2: Rahm Fish Head Emanuel is a guy who should have stayed in Chicago and emulated his previous incarnation as Bugsy Siegel.

He shows all the signs of a hoodlum who would have prospered in the land of Al Capone, the 2 Mayor Daleys, and a certain over-achieving community organizer. . .


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

An Open Letter to Iran's Grand Poobah

An Open Letter to Iran’s Grand Poobah

The 22nd of Bahman may not ring many American bells but it’s shaping up as an eventful day for Iranians, and for the Great Satan if they follow through with their sinister plans.

It isn’t an official Iranian or Islamic holiday but it sure is time for celebration, as per Iran’s top “holy” cleric, commander in chief, chief bottle washer, and beard shampooer, ”Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Sorry to sound disrespectful to a religious leader but what he said on Monday wasn’t very religious: ”Iran is set to deliver a ‘punch’ that will stun world powers during this week’s 31st anniversary of the Islamic revolution.”

That threat doesn’t command or invite any respect so Ali gets none.

The Iranian revolution was effectively launched when Iran’s air force signed up for revolt by throwing its support to Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini thereby giving him the gonads to order the seizure of the American embassy in Tehran in 1979.

Khomeini’s heir, Grand Poobah Ali Khamenei, went on to be somewhat more specific saying, “The Iranian nation, with its unity and God’s grace, will punch the arrogance (Western powers) on the 22nd of Bahman in a way that will leave them stunned,” according to an AFP report:

Big doings must indeed be in the Iranian playbook for the near horizon since Iran’s less-than-holy President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has chimed in with threats against the West to commemorate that mass kidnapping of Americans.

Those threats coincide with a new Usama bin Laden tape so something must truly be afoot.

I feel an open letter to the ayatollah is in order. This should be the prerogative of America’s President Barack Hussein Obama but I’m not certain he’s up to the task. It therefore falls to me, Joe Citizen, to compensate for America’s ineffectual leadership.

Tuesday, February 9th (Bahman the 20th)

Dear Ali,

I hope no offense is taken to my use of your given name since no offense is intended.

I feel this is a friendly, personal missive and I’d like us to be on a first name basis, sort of like when Barack had his beer summit here with Sgt. Crowley and that prof Henry Gates last July.

If and when you respond, you can call me Joe, ok, or Mr. C. if you insist on formality, and feel free to share the contents of this communication with Mahmoud and the other Muslim gutless maniac, Usama.

Now here’s the straight poop, as we say in the States.

First of all, Ali, we Americans don’t take kindly to threats. I might paraphrase the motto of our great state of Texas: “Don’t threat on me!”

That means, Don’t mess with us, okay?

We’ve been tolerating Iran’s nutty warnings for over 30 years now and I have to tell you, we’ve had enough, they’ve gotten very old.

If you want to come at us, then come at us, but cut the baloney. We’ve been tolerating Iran’s silly saber-rattling and, recently, missile-rattling for much too long.

I’m not saying to bring it on because Americans really don’t want any more war. However, if you choose to bring it on, starting on the 20th of Bahman or whenever, rest assured that you won’t get away with it.

You’re guaranteed to receive far more than you bring on.

You may be thinking that you have an easy mark with Obama in our White House but keep in mind it’s America’s White House, not his. The Obama clan are very temporary residents.

With your nascent nuclear program, you may be thinking differently than you were after 9/11/2001. Remember? When Iranians were scared, if I can be indelicate, sh*tless, at the thought Iran would be blamed and that Tehran could be reduced to a molten puddle by September 12th.

You may recall that time when the toothless chants of “Death to America” were suspended for a while in your mosques as you wondered if the Great Satan would take out the Great Persian Charade.

It didn’t happen then but it could be in your future should your Bahman 22nd threats not be just the usual bluster.

There’s an eye of newt spoiling your hummus if you think Americans will let any president get away with minimal retaliation if you guys do something very stupid.

Trust me, if you do something dumb by attacking us or our Western allies, either Obama will order a massive strike against your country or some disobedient officer will level Tehran and accept the consequences. He will then become an American hero.

Either way, your sorry excuse for a country will be returned to the 7th century.

The good news is that then you could personally ask Muhammed where you went wrong.

Mind you, Ali, this is not comparable to one of your warnings. As we say here, it’s not a threat but a promise and America follows through on its promises.

I know it’s late in the game but you made the rules and set the schedule.

The 22nd of Bahman is just two days away. I seriously suggest you call off any plans in progress, call off your terrorist goons, or else both you and we will regret it.

And trust me again, Ali, Iran and Islam will regret it far more.

I know Mahmoud believes the end is near as whackos on our street corners have been preaching for years and you may share that theory.

Whether that theory comes to fruition, whether Iran succeeds in delivering its “punching” and “stunning,” know that Iran will have precipitated it, which may be what you wish to accomplish.

However, as our Boy Scouts say, Be prepared. Be prepared with an alternative in case you merely succeed in wounding this sleeping tiger or our allies. One alternative might be to evacuate Tehran posthaste.

I realize that the new Islamic terrorist battle cry ”Allahu Akbar” is Arabic and not Farsi but do keep in mind that our pledge of retaliation is delivered with our own version of “God is great.” It goes, ”So help me, God,” which has the same effect. In spades.


(Mr.) Joe Citizen

Monday, February 8, 2010

Mel Gibson and "Edge of Darkness"

Mel Gibson and “Edge of Darkness”

Variously rated as a 55% to 60% by “the critics,” this non-professional movie critic assigns Mel Gibson’s Edge of Darkness a qualified 3 1/4 stars or about 85%.

The movie is somewhat derivative of many previous kid-gets-killed/hurt/kidnapped/lost and dad-seeks-revenge/return of kid and it’s based on an old Brit telly series but, after all is said and done, it does feature Mel Gibson in the starring role.

I’ll leave the detailed reviews and spoilers to others more able than I, although the reader is cautioned to vet the reviewer before believing anything she or he writes or says.

Believe it or not, sometimes movie reviews are determined by the sociopolitical beliefs of the reviewer as much as by the content and quality of the film.

Think Gibson’s 2004 The Passion of the Christ

That very controversial, exceedingly graphic and violent film, was roundly panned with one star or no stars at all and scored an overall rating of 47%-50% mainly because it was interpreted by some as anti-Semitic and condemned by Jewish groups such as B’nai B’rith.

If anything, it was anti-Roman and anti-Italian and should have been criticized by the Sons of Italy, although it wasn’t. What it was was a billion dollar blockbuster at the box office and in DVD sales.

The charges of anti-semitism levelled at Gibson as a result of his July, 2006 drunken encounter with police ratcheted up a DUI a major scandal. He conceded his intemperate and biased . . .


Crouching America, Hidden Chinese Dragon, Part One

Crouching America, Hidden Chinese Dragon, Part One

Anyone else get the feeling that the Obamian foreign policy–whatever it was–is coming apart at the seams–wherever those seams were?

Even most of those who voted for him in 2008 were aware that Obama knew as much about international relations and foreign policy as Homer Simpson but their thinking was that all would be fine with a top foreign policy expert like senate veteran Joe Biden in the VP slot and a savvy Hillary heading the State Department.

Barack would be an outstanding domestic president, tending to such things as health care for all, legal or not, sick and healthy, poor and wealthy, aged or young while Jolly Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton, would take care of all things extra-national.

Jolly Joe is no Dick Cheney and Hillary is no Condi Rice. They’re more akin to Soupy Sales and Mme. LaFarge.

What wasn’t factored in was Biden’s innate boobery and Hillary’s main interest, beating her boss in the primaries in 2012, so it’s no wonder the pickle we’re in as a nation, both domestically and internationally.

We’re told that much of the international community came to despise us when GWB was in charge, . . .


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cougars and Lechers and Pervs, Oh, My!

Cougars and Lechers and Pervs, Oh, My!

We hear a lot nowadays about cougars, not the sleek beasts in the zoo or in the wild who occasionally eat intrepid hikers who get too intrepid but the often less than sleek desperate housewives and horny divorcee’s who lurk in dark bars ready to devour some unsuspecting or suspecting young stud.

The Urban Dictionary somewhat cruelly defines the cougar type as “An older woman who frequents clubs in order to score with a much younger man. The cougar can be anyone from an overly surgically altered wind tunnel victim, to an absolute sad and bloated old horn-meister, to a real hottie or milf.”

(The acronym milf was popularized in American Pie but milfs have been around since long before Anne Bancroft in The Graduate. They just get out more today, and at night.)

Often these nouveau ladies of the evening are reliving misspent or well-spent youth, trying to reassert their feminity, to validate their lives, to sate their declining libidos.

Time was, before the sexual revolution, before the astronomical divorce rate, before The Pill, before the internet, and before Viagra was discovered to have certain beneficial effects for women, catting around was the exclusive province of the male of the species who often removed his wedding ring when he hit the bar circuit for one night stands.

No more. The males now have competition from lusty cougars who aren’t looking for sweet, young female thangs but for buff, young male thangs and have little if any interest in guys who hide rings or paunches.

In one more sociological area, for better or worse, women have broken through a glass ceiling.

Today, cougars may be more ubiquitous than their male counterparts in some stalking venues, though males still seem to prefer younger prey.

One Toronto, Canada restaurant which apparently caters to both the roués and the rouées among us is featuring a . . .


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Zeituni's PLace in Obama's Zeitgeist

Zeituni’s Place in Obama’s Zeitgeist

What do you do with an auntie named Zeituni?

That doesn’t quite have the ring of “What do you do with a girl named Maria?” but the Zeituni question poses an even greater challenge for Obama than Maria did for Mother Abbess in Sound of Music.

Kenyan Zeituni Onyango, age 57, is an illegal alien living in the United States for the last 10 years, for the most part in subsidized, Boston public housing on the taxpayers’ dime, has no visible means of support, and is a criminal by virtue of her illegal status.

She also happens to be President Obama’s dear Auntie Zeituni who is pleading for asylum for the third time.

What to do?

On the one hand, Obama could extend an empathetic hand to a blood relative whom he had affectionately praised in Dreams from My Father. She was in attendance at his Senate swearing inceremony in 2004 and was in the audience at her Obama’s inauguration.

This is no distant relative nor a demented aunt to be consigned to the attic or basement.

Aunt Zeituni, out of sight, out of mind, shouldn’t hold her breath awaiting empathy from a millionaire president who turned his back on another blood relative, his half-brother George who, at last word, is still subsisting on a buck a week in a suburban Nairobi hovel.

Zeituni has been living on our shores since 2000 . . .


Two Sick Political Jokes

Two Sick Political Jokes

These aren’t knee-slapping, turn-your-face-red-and-bring-tears-to-your-eyes-from- laughing kind of yuks but rather sick, these-guy-can’t be-real jokes.

First up is that Rhode Island funster who’s about as funny as his dad was when Ted Kennedy related his favorite Chappaquiddick witticisms.

The nut doesn’t fall far from the tree and Rep. Patrick Kennedy who has a knack about him for wowing the crowds came out with another good one the other day. This followed his previous entertainment just prior to the recent special election in Massachusetts.

Addressing a small rally for Martha Coakley, Dem candidate for his late daddy’s seat in the Senate, Patrick may have been under the influence, as they say and as he is wont to be, when he couldn’t get Mrs. Coakley’s given name straight.

Working without cue cards, Patrick twice called her “Marcia” before shutting up and without being chagrined in the slightest by the fact he couldn’t bother to learn the name of the Democratic candidate in the race against the Republican upstart, Scott Brown.

He still hasn’t shut up.

Still petulantly speaking about that election, he said on Thursday, ”Brown’s whole candidacy was shown to be a joke today when he was sworn in early in order to cast his first vote as an objection to Obama’s appointment to the NLRB.”

I failed to catch either the humor or the sense of his remark, unless of course he was being sarcastic in which case he was just being the boob that he is.

Scott Brown was elected almost 10 days ago, went to Washington certified credentials in hand and claimed his senate seat as soon as Harry Reid realized how callow and foolish he would look should he roadblock Brown.

He wasn’t in any way “sworn in early,” although if his first vote is cast to block left winger Craig Becker from appointment to the NLRB, then more power to him!

In a mindless leap of imagination, Patrick Kennedy elaborated: . . .


Friday, February 5, 2010

Prop 8: R.I.P.?

Prop 8: R.I.P.?

Notwithstanding an impassioned defense of the defenders of California’s Proposition 8 by the Family Research Institute, the plaintiffs are set to eventually win Perry vs Scharzenegger if not in federal district court in San Francisco then in the Supreme Court of the United States.

To get readers up to snuff on the trial in question, please see “The Gay Battle against the Will of the People,” Parts One and Two.

At issue is whether Prop 8, a part of California’s constitution since it was passed by voters on November 4th, 2008, is constitutional. More fundamental is the question of whether citizens of any state in the union are entitled to amend the document that defines the “nature, functions and limits” of a governing body.

In California they are so legally entitled and a majority of Californians decided that what constitutes a marriage in that state can be reduced to 14 words, “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.”

Surprised that the measure had passed in one of the most liberal states in the nation, the gay lobby first demonstrated in protest then mobilized its formidable forces to attempt to get a court to override the will of the people, alleging that the people had unfairly infringed on homosexual rights.

David Boie, co-principal counsel for the homosexual plaintiffs with Ted Olson, has linked that infringement to the Catholic Church specifically and generally to Christianity which made this just-concluded trial one in which basic precepts of Christianity are called into question: . . .


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Contemptible Quickies #4

The motto of is that “No one is above the law,” and that includes, especially includes, politicians who may write our federal laws but often think they’re exempt from them.

Someone has to do it, so Judicial Watch keeps an annual tally of the “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” on the federal landscape and none other than Connecticut’s Sen. Chris Dodd makes the list for the second year running.

Feeling the hounds nipping at his heels, Dodd has already announced his retirement to avoid the humiliation of being thrown out of office by voters fed up to here with his shady machinations and for milking the system ’til it was dry.

The 10 winners/losers in alphabetical order are . . .

Rats Deserting a Sinking Obama

Rats abandoning a sinking ship isn’t a novelty but when it’s the Good Ship Obamapop, it’s newsworthy:

NIMBYMP! Not in my back yard, Mr. President!

Democrat incumbents and wannabes from Missouri to Florida to Nebraska are treating Obama as if he were afflicted with the plague and a Death Panel has already passed sentence.

No fools they, the Dem pols would rather go it alone than have a presidential albatross around their necks. It makes sense, too, considering his endorsement track record success of zero percent: Virginia, New Jersey, Massachusetts.

Actually he’s zero for four if we count his and Michelle’s desperate failed trip to Copenhagen to bring home the 2016 Summer Olympics to Chicago. That first-round elimination was a humiliating face slap, repeated in December via a humiliating rebuke at the global climate talks, also in Copenhagen.

Not ready to get slapped silly by voters come November, “A Democratic Senate candidate in Missouri denounced the budget’s sky-high deficit. A Florida Democrat whose district includes the Kennedy Space Center hit the roof over NASA budget cuts. And an endangered Senate Democrat denounced proposed cuts in farm subsidies.”

The only problem with that analysis is that just about every Dem running this year is “endangered.” Just ask Virginia State Sen. Creigh Deeds, former New Jersey Governor John Corzine, and Massachusett’s A.G. Martha Coakley what happened last year.

Also, with a rampant anti-incumbency fever infecting the electorate, every Dem officeholder, federal, state, or local, is more vulnerable since the leader of their pack is the guy most responsible for the fever.

As a Baltimore Sun article put it,. . .


Contemptible Quickies #3

Recall the Obamassiah’s repetitive pledge during the presidential campaign and in the heady exhilaration after his election not to hike taxes on the middle class? Recall his pledge not to raise taxes for anyone making less than $250,000?

Well, fugeddabout it. As the song goes, “Promises, promises . . .” As Obama goes, a pledge isn’t worth the wind it’s written on.

All along, he admitted he was considering not extending the Bush tax cuts but voters never added 2 + 2 to arrive at the the sum of zero, which is the amount middle-classers will be saving when the Bush cuts expire at the end of 2010. . .

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Obama's Girl, Obama's Gay, Obama's Sodom

Obama’s Girl, Obama’s Gay, Obama’s Sodom

Obama’s in the news again, and it’s not good news.

When Love Sputters, Can the Death Rattle Be Far Behind?

It may not have been love in the first place but 2008’s “Obama Girl” sure was “in crush” when Amber Lee Ettinger thrilled the world with her viral video during the presidential campaign.

Ok, she thrilled Obama, for sure, when she sang her memorable song, “I Have a Crush on Obama,” kissed his photo and posed tantalizingly and waxed almost orgasmic over her far and away choice for president.

Whether looking pretty in pink bikini or sexy in blue hot pants or tight tank top, with “Obama” printed front and rear, Amber left no doubt that Obama was her man, which was evident from the line, “You can Barack me tonight,” whatever that means.

Sadly for her crush, she’s fallen out of crush, telling Sean Hannity on Fox–of all people to confess to even if the venue name fit perfectly!–”Once people–your boyfriend, girlfriend doesn’t do what they say they’re going to do, you kick them to the curb.”


She does end the brief interview with a great, topical reference: “Well, at least I won’t be the Edwards girl, right?”

Whatever you say, Amb. Feel free to warble about a Republican next time around.

His failed promises did Amber in, even if she still gives him a B- . When a lover/crusher goes from A+++ to a B- , can an F be far behind? (See the story and the video here:

A Homosexual Lectures on Right and Wrong?

Far more obscene than Ms. Ettinger is Harry Knox. . . .


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Arrogance on the East River

Arrogance on the East River

“Ya gotta know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em,/ Know when to walk away, know when to run.” Johnny Cash’s words to the wise gambler are lost on the U.N. and the Why would they give a damn how much they lost?

Instead, when their backs should be against the wall, when they’re on the ropes, when their goose is cooked–pick your own cliche’–they double down.

Climategate rocked their world back in November when hackers hacked the truth out of the Climate Research Unit, CRU, computers at East Anglia University and exposed the lie of the U.N.-hatched climate change scam, the conspiracy, the cover-ups, the deceptions. (See “Climate . . .” et al.)

The bamboozling climatologists still had an ace in the hole and a wild card up their sleeve. The ace was the Nobel Peace Prize the IPCC had won with Al Gore for their alleged contributions to climate research, the wild card was the upcoming International Climate Summit in Copenhagen.

Who could argue with the veracity of a Nobel winner? And just wait until the nations of the world line up to support climate change initiatives!

Well, that ace is looking. . .


A Blogger's Life, Part Two

A Blogger’s Life, Part Two

Sticks and stones may break my bones, depending on the size of the sticks, poundage of the stones, and fragility of my aging bones, but nasty comments on my blogs will never hurt me. In fact, they provide some of the most entertaining features associated with blogging.

It’s a rotten job but someone has to do it and they make it all worthwhile.

As mentioned in Part One, most of the negativity on my articles emanates from those who feel I’ve been unfair in some way to two particular groups–our brother and sister homosexuals and blacks.

I neglected to mention a third group, those of the Jewish persuasion, the result of an intermittent series posted here on the 1967 USS Liberty “incident” in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula.

Anyone familiar with the background of what happened on June 8, 1967 will know that the details of that unprovoked attack by the Israeli Air Force–sworn testimony by crew members and others–have been contested, largely for political reasons, to avoid antagonizing Israel.

Indeed, the reactions to my various Liberty articles . . .

Monday, February 1, 2010

Abortion. a Spectator Sport?

Abortion, a Spectator Sport?

Van Helsing of featured an article today, “Bump, Abortion as Entertainment,” referring to a new “tacky pseudoreality show” that just debuted online,

This is how Van Helsing describes this first-of-a-kind production:

“It’s official– moonbat civilization has reached rock bottom. Abortion is now the subject of a tacky pseudoreality show that launches online today at The fictional docudrama features characters of varying degrees of vileness toying with the idea of abortion. The audience votes on whether the baby should live.

Think Jerry Springer meets Oprah meets ‘American Idol’ meets Dr. Oz meets . . . America’s conscience. . . The idea for the ’show,’ which launches Monday, [the pilot was on last week] was inspired, of all things, by Barack Obama’s commencement address at Notre Dame University last year. When the president said he wanted ‘to find ways to communicate about a workable solution to the problem of unintended pregnancies,’ executive producer Dominic Iocco conceived ‘Bump.’

“You know, so no one gets ‘punished with a baby.’ “

That last, of course, was Barack Obama’s line used when he was asked what he would do should his daughters ever get pregnant out of holy wedlock.

His appearance at Notre Dame’s Commencement last Spring has been treated at some length in this space as one of the most disgraceful events imaginable for an ostensibly “Catholic” institution where Obama, the abortion king of the United States Senate, was feted and awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws as he asked for some “common ground” on the issue of killing pre-born babies. . .


A Blogger's Life, Part One

A Blogger’s Life, Part One

Contrary to popular opinion, blogging is not all Leslie Gore’s sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows. Nor is it all brickbats, grenades, and tornadoes.

Then again, when a blogger deals in controversial topics he can’t very well expect either universal plaudits or universal condemnation.

This blogsite tries to cover it all, from all the “problems in America”–which are multitudinous–to some less-encompassing “solutions for America,” which is a tall order on both counts, an order that also falls short on more than a few counts.

The articles here, 98% of which are original pieces, have been sourced, written, edited, and posted by one man, yours truly. With almost 1500 articles now in the hopper over the course of about 2 years, I can’t say all–or any–would be Pulitzer Prize winners out in the print world.

However, much of the tripe passed off as print journalism is literally not worth the newsprint on which it appears and as Dems like to say, I tried to do my best. It’s the effort that counts, right?

And, not that I’d admit to consistently stirring the controversy pot, but certain articles have evoked considerable reaction both on-site and in the dozen or so other website venues on which I’ve re-posted for greater exposure.

Hey! Given the competition in the blogworld–almost 23 million as of 9 months ago according to the World Street Journal, which should mean close to 25 million today–it’s a blog eat blog world so re-posting is a necessity. Whatever works.

At least I don’t have to say I’m one of the nearly half a million people who earn their daily bread by blogging:

An interesting sidebar . . .
